Member News Archive#
Magdolna Hargittai discusses her latest book which focuses on the achievements of female scientists and the importance of role models in promoting and supportint more women in STEM.
Prof. Donald B. Dingwell is awarded the Gustav Steinmann Medal of the DGGV, the German national Geology Society.
Throughout history, women have overcome tremendous odds to make lasting contributions to science. In Meeting the Challenge, Magdolna Hargittai, member of the Chemical Sciences section, shares their stories.
Call for nominations for the 2023 ERASMUS MEDAL in a field of Class A1 (Humanities).
Closing date for the nomination is 31st of May 2023 (midnight GMT).
On 25 April 2023, Marja Makarow, President of Academia Europaea and Jaume Bertranpetit, Director of the Barcelona Knowledge Hub, hosted an event on at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona to present the hub’s new institutional framework and programming.
Nominations for the new Academia Europaea Sydney Brenner Medal.
The closing date of the nomination period is the 31st of May 2023 (midnight GMT).
Open call for proposals for new initiatives for 2022/2023 (Academia Europeae and Young Academy of Europe members only).
Brilliance in Exile: The Diaspora of Hungarian Scientists from John von Neumann to Katalin Karikó.
Read the new publication by Professor István Hargittai, member of the Chemical Sciences section of Academia Europaea, and Balazs Hargittai.
Professor Claude Lorius, climatologist and member of Academia Europaea since 1989, passed away on Tuesday March 21, 2023.
Read the obituary by Prof. Mike Burton, the Chair of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section.
Read the interview with Professor Jaume Bertranpetit, the new Academic Director of the Barcelona Knowledge.
Read an interview with Prof. Susan Wray, member of the Physiology and Neuroscience section, to mark the International Women’s Day 2023. Prof. Wray shares her passion for physiology, and the people who have had the greatest impact on her work and career.
Academia Europaea congratulates its Vice-President and Director of the AE Cardiff Knowledge Hub, Professor Ole Petersen, to his 80th birthday.
The UK government has appointed Professor Angela McLean, member of the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology section of Academia Europaea since 2018 as its chief scientific adviser. She will become the UK’s first female chief scientific adviser.
Watch the video of the recording of the side event co-organized by Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø February 3rd, 20223, titled “The Future of Arctic Science and Science Diplomacy”.
Newsletter from the President of Academia Europaea, Professor Marja Makarow.
Febrary 2023.
The Poetics and Ethics of (Un-) Grievability in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction.
Read the new publication by Professor Susana Onega and Professor Jean-Michel Ganteau, members of the Literary and Theatrical Studies section of Academia Europaea.
Global Consequences of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: The Economics and Politics of the Second Cold War.
Read the new publication by Professor Grzegorz W. Kołodko, member of the Economics, Business and Management Sciences section of Academia Europaea.
The nomination period 2022/2023 opened on 1 October 2022 and will close on 31 January, 2023.
Academia Europaea encourages all its members to nominate scientists and scholars of international distinction.
Professor Erol Gelenbe awarded the Honour of Commander of the Order of the Crown of Belgium.
Professor Barry Potter elected to Honorary Fellowship of the British Pharmacological Society.
Call for participation in the newly established Academia Europaea Translational Medicine (AETM) Working Group.
Deadline: 23 December 2022.
Content alert: Do not miss out on reading the articles in the latest issue of the European Review, the journal of Academia Europaea.
Content alert: Have a look at the special issue of the European Review presenting articles from the ICONOCLASM symposium in Wroclaw organized by the History and Archaeology section of Academia Europaea and sponsored by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Professor Jacques Drèze, member of the Economics, Business & Management Sciences section of Academia Europaea since 1989, passed away September 25, 2022.
Professor Philippe ASCHER, member of the Physiology and Neuroscience section of Academia Europaea since 1989, passed away October 4, 2022.
Academia Europaea Task Force on Environment, Climate and Sustainability presents her work during the Building Bridges 2022 Annual Conference.
Content alert: Do not miss out on reading the articles in the latest issue of the European Review, the journal of Academia Europaea. Among others, the issue contains three lectures from the 20201 Academia Europaea annual conference.
Professor Helmut Moritz, member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section since
1992, passed away October 21st, 2022.
Read the obituary by Prof. Hans Sünkel, former Rector of the Graz University of Technology.
The Academic Director of the Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub and member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section, Prof. Eystein Jansen, is elected Vice President of the European Research Council (ERC).
34th Annual Business meeting of member of the Academia Europaea in Barcelona on 27th October, 2022, 09:00am (Spanish time) – 11:0am.
AGM will also be available virtually.
The AGM is open to all members of the Academia Europaea.