Marina Sbisà - Publications#

Google Scholar citations exceptionally high, at 2698, of which 1013 since 2014 (consulted 29 March 2019)

Selected highly cited works

Co-editor. J.L. Austin, How to Do Things with Words. 2nd revised edition. Ed. by J.O. Urmson & M. Sbisà. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975. (411 citations)

Co-editor and translator. J.L. Austin, Come fare cose con le parole. Italian translation ed. by Carlo Penco & M. Sbisà. Genova: Marietti, 1987. (262 citations)

Monograph author. Detto non detto. Le forme della comunicazione implicita (Said not said. The forms of implicit communication), Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2007, 2nd ed. 2010 (92 citations)

Monograph author. Linguaggio, ragione, interazione (Language, reason, interaction), Bologna: Il Mulino, 1989, pp. 284 (127 citations)

Article author. 'Speech acts in context', Language and Communication 22, 2002, pp. 421-436 (154 citations)

Article author. 'Ideology and the persuasive use of presupposition'. In J. Verschueren (ed.), Language and ideology. Selected papers from the 6th International Pragmatics Conference. Antwerp: International Pragmatics Association, 1999, pp. 492-509. (69 citations, with rising impact—more than half are since 2014)

Other significant works

Co-editor. Pragmatics of Speech Actions, ed. by M. Sbisà and K. Turner, Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton 2013, pp. 733

Co-editor. Philosophical perspectives for pragmatics. Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 10, ed. by M.Sbisà, J-O. Östman, J. Verschueren, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2011, pp. 318

Monograph author. La mamma di carta (The Paper Mother), Milano: Emme, 1984, pp. 115

Monograph author. Wittgenstein, Roma: Astrolabio, 1975, pp. 143

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