Milan Ristović -Publications#


1. Schwarze Peter und die Räuber vom Balkan. Themen über den Balkan und Serbien in deutschen satirischen Zeitschriften 1903-1918, Lit Verlag, Wien, 2013, 162.

2. Jugoslovenski Jevreji u bekstvu od holokausta 1941 - 1945 ( In the Search on Refuge. Yugoslav Jews escaping Holocaust), Službeni list SRJ, Beograd 2016, 380 pg.

3. Na pragu hladnog rata. Jugoslavija i građanski rat u Grčkoj ( On the Treshold of the Cold War. Yugoslavia and the Greek Civil War)1945-1949, Филозофски факултет у Београду, Београд 2016, 495.

4. (With М. Popović and M. Timotijevič), Iсторiя приватного життя Сербiв, вiд середньовiччя до сучасностi (History of the Private Life of the Serbs, Kiev, 2017 ) ; Tемпора, Киiв, 2017, 340-519.

5. “The Jews of Serbia (1804-1918): From Prinicely Protection to Formal Emancipation”. In: The Jews and the Nation-States of Southern Europe from the 19th Century to the Great Depression. Combining Viewpoints on a Controversial History. Edited by Tullia Catalan and Marco Dogo, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, 23-51.

6. “Diffidenza e cooperazione: relazioni politiche ed economiche tra il regno dei Serbi, Croati e Sloveni e il regno d’Italia negli anni Venti del Novecento”. In: Emanuaela Constantini e Paolo Raspadori (a cura di), Prove di imperialism. Espansionismo economico italiano oltre l’Adriatico a cavallo derlla Grande guerra, Quaderni monografici di « Proposte e recerche », EUM, Macerata 2017, 89-112.

7. „Jews in Serbia in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries“. Journal of Modern European History, Vol. 16 | 2018/1, 16-22.

8. „Serbien 1941. Zwischen Okkupation, Wiederstand, Represalien und Bürgerkrieg““. Peter Jahn-Florian Wieler-Daniel Ziemer (Hrsg.), Der deutsche Krieg um „Lebensraum im Osten“ 1939-1945.Erreignisse und Errinerung, Metropol, Berlin 2017, 111-136.

9. “Distrustful Neighborhood. Yugoslavia and Greek Colonels, 1967-1974”. U: Nuova Rivista Storica, Anno CII, Maggio-Augosto 2018, Fascicolo II, Pag. 521-542.

10. „The German Occupation Regimes in Southeastern Europe as a Research Problem in Yugoslav and Serbian Historiography“. In : The Second World War in Historiography and Public Debate. Südosteuropa , Vol. 65 no. 2, 2017, 221-238.

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