Herbert Gleiter - Selected publications#

Sum of all citations: 18 600, h - index: 64, Total number of publications: 314
Current citation numbers for each paper are given in square brackets behind every citation; Source: Web of Science

Nanocrystalline Materials

Nanocrystalline materials
H. Gleiter, Progress in Materials Science 33 223 – 315 (1989) [2600]

Nanostructured Materials: Basic Concepts and Microstructure
H. Gleiter, Acta Materialia 48, 1-29 (2000) [Millenium Celebration Volume]] [1300]

Ceramics ductile at low temperature
R.Birringer, H. Gleiter, J. Karch, Nature 330 556 – 558 (1987) [620]

On the validity of the Hall-Petch relationship in nanocrystalline materials
A.H. Chokshi, A. Rosen, J. Karch, H. Gleiter , Scripta Metallurgica 23 1679 – 1684 (1989) [600]

Charge-Induced Reversible Strain in a Metal
J. Weissmüller, R. N. Viswanath, D. Kramer, P. Zimmer, R. Würschum, H. Gleiter , Science, 300 312 - 315 (2003) [440]


Nanoglasses: a new kind of noncrystalline materials
H. Gleiter, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 4 517-533 (2013)

Evidence for enhanced ferromagnetism in an iron-based nanoglass
R. Witte, T. Feng, J.X. Fang, A. Fischer, M. Ghafari, R. Kruk, R. Brand, D. Wang, H. Hahn, H. Gleiter,
Applied Physics Letters 103 073106, 1-5 (2013)

A novel Ti-based nanoglass composite with submicron-nanomater-seized structures to modulate osteoblast behavior
N. Chen, X. Shi, R. Witte, S.Nakayama, K. Ohmura, H. Wu, A.Takeuchi, H.Hahn, M.Esashi, H. Gleiter, A. Inoue, D. Louzguine,
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1 2568 - 2574 (2013)

Grain Boundaries: Atomic Structure and Properties

The mechanism of grain boundary migration
H. Gleiter, Acta Metallurgica 17 565 – 573 (1969) [400; Citation Classic – Current Contents 41 22-24 1981]

Quantum Physics

New prospects for de Broglie Interferometry
T.Juffmann, S.Nimmrichter, M.Arndt, H.Gleiter, Foundations of Physics, 42 98 2012 – [6]
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