!!Herbert Gleiter - Selected publications
Sum of all citations:  18 600, h - index:  64, Total number of publications:  314\\
Current citation numbers for each paper are given in square brackets behind every citation; Source: Web of Science\\
__Nanocrystalline Materials__\\
Nanocrystalline materials\\
H. Gleiter, Progress in Materials Science 33 223 – 315 (1989)  [[2600]\\
Nanostructured Materials: Basic Concepts and Microstructure\\
H. Gleiter, Acta Materialia 48, 1-29 (2000) [[Millenium Celebration Volume]]  [[1300]\\
Ceramics ductile at low temperature\\
R.Birringer, H. Gleiter, J. Karch, Nature 330 556 – 558 (1987)  [[620]\\
On the validity of the Hall-Petch relationship in nanocrystalline materials\\
A.H. Chokshi, A. Rosen, J. Karch, H. Gleiter , Scripta Metallurgica 23 1679 – 1684 (1989)  [[600]\\
Charge-Induced Reversible Strain in a Metal\\
J. Weissmüller, R. N. Viswanath, D. Kramer, P. Zimmer, R. Würschum, H. Gleiter , Science, 300 312 - 315 (2003) [[440]\\
Nanoglasses: a new kind of noncrystalline materials \\
H. Gleiter, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 4 517-533 (2013)\\
Evidence for enhanced ferromagnetism in an iron-based nanoglass\\
R. Witte, T. Feng, J.X. Fang, A. Fischer, M. Ghafari, R. Kruk, R. Brand, D. Wang, H. Hahn, H. Gleiter, \\
Applied Physics Letters 103 073106, 1-5  (2013)\\
A novel Ti-based nanoglass composite with submicron-nanomater-seized structures to modulate osteoblast behavior \\
N. Chen, X. Shi, R. Witte, S.Nakayama, K. Ohmura, H. Wu, A.Takeuchi, H.Hahn, M.Esashi, H. Gleiter, A. Inoue, D. Louzguine, \\
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1 2568 - 2574 (2013)\\
__Grain Boundaries: Atomic Structure and Properties__\\
The mechanism of grain boundary migration \\
H. Gleiter, Acta Metallurgica 17 565 – 573 (1969) [[400; Citation Classic – Current Contents 41 22-24 1981] \\
__Quantum Physics__\\
New prospects for de Broglie Interferometry\\
T.Juffmann, S.Nimmrichter, M.Arndt, H.Gleiter, Foundations of Physics, 42   98 2012 – [[6]