Victor Aleksandrovich Kabanov#

Curriculum vitae#
1966 – Doctor Of Chemical Science (D.Sc., MSU), 1960 – Candidate of Chemical Science (Ph.D., MSU), 1956 – Graduate of Faculty of Chemistry Moscow State University (MSU).
Professional Activity:
Since 1970 – Professor (Macromolecular Chemistry), Head of the Chair of High-Molecular Compounds, Faculty of Chemistry, MSU; 1962-1969 – Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemistry, MSU.
Other Activities:
Member of the Presidium of the USSR (after 1992 Russian) Academy of Science (since 1988); Secretary Academician (Chairman) of the Division of General and Technical Chemistry (1992-2001) and the Division of Chemistry and Material Sciences of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS), since 2001; President of Macromolecular Division of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (1977-1981); Chairman of the Polymer Scientific Council, RAS; Editor-in-Chief of Encyclopedia of Polymers (1972-1977); Editor-in-Chief of the Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Doklady Akademii Nauk) (since 1991); member of Editorial Board of the journal Science in Russia, Journal of Biomaterial Science, Nature (Rus) (Priroda), Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Polymer Journal (Japan), Polymer Science, Vysokomolekulyarniye Soedineniya (Polymer Science) (Rus); Chairman (or Member) of Organizing Committees of various all-Russian and international Scientific conferences; plenary and main lecturer at 16 macrosymposia of IUPAC on Macromolecular chemistry, 2 IUPAC Congresses, 12 IUPAC macrosymposia on polymers; plenary speaker at numerous all-Russian scientific congresses and conferences; lecturer by invitations of numerous universities and companies of USA, Canada, Japan and Europe.
Distinguishing Titles and Awards:
Full Member (Academician) of the USSR Academy of Science (now Russian academy of Science) since 1987; Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Science (since 1968); Member of Academia Europea (since 1995); Member of Belgian Royal Academy (since 1991); Foreign Member of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences (2000), Lenin Prize in Science for the work “Abnormally Fast Polymerization of Solid Monomers” (1984); International Award of Polymer Society, Japan (1995); Lomonosov Prize for the work “Condensed conformation of DNA is an inherent property of the neutral double helix”(1999); Demidov Prize “For outstanding contribution in Polymer Science”; State Prize of Russian Federation for the work “Conjugated polymer-subunit immunogens and vaccines” (2001).
Areas of Scientific Interests:
- Kinetics and mechanism of polymerization
- Interpolyelectrolyte reactions and interpolymer complexes
- Biomimetics using synthetic and natural macromolecules and synthesis of bioactive polymer microconstructs
- Catalytic metal complexes in organized polymer matrices
Scientific Contributions:
Victor A. Kabanov discovered and explained abnormally fast low-temperature polymerization reactions of solid monomers at phase transitions, was the first to carry out matrix polymerization on non-biological polymer templates, substantiated the concept of complex-radical polymerization, which is a specific kind of polymerization process in which complexing agents perform as catalysts or retarders of the elementary reaction steps, discovered and studied polyion exchange and substitution reactions in polyelectrolyte complexes (these reactions play a critical role in molecular recognition and self- assemblage of Supramolecular polyelectrolyte constructs).
2 monographs (in co-autorship), more than 600 scientific papers in Russian and international journals.
Main publications for last 10 years:
1.V.A. Kabanov, Template Polymerization. In: Polymerization in Organized Media / Ed. C.M. Paleos. Philadelphia: Gordon&Beach, 1992, p.369-454.
2.V.A. Kabanov, Basic Properties of Soluble Polyelectrolyte Complexes Applied to Bioengineering and Cell Transformation. In: Macromolecular Complexes in Chemistry and Biology / Ed. P. Dubin. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1994, p.152-174.
3.A.V. Kabanov, V.A. Kabanov, DNA Complexes with Polycations for the Delivery of Genetic Material into Cells. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 1995, 6, p.7-20.
4.V.A. Kabanov, A.A. Yaroslavov, S.A. Sukhishvilli, Interaction of Polyions with Cell-mimetic Species: Phisico-Chemical and Biomedicl Aspects. J. Controlled Release, 1996, 39, p.173-180.
5.A.V. Kabanov, T.K. Bronich, V.A. Kabanov, K. Yu, A. Eisenberg, Spontaneous Formation of Vesicles from Complexes of Block Ionomers and Surfactants. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 1998, 120, No.38, p.9941-9942.
6.V.G. Sergeyev, O.A. Pyshkina, A.V. Lezov, A.B. Mel'nikov, E.I. Ryumtsev, A.B. Zezin, V.A. Kabanov, DNA Complexed with Oppositely Charged Amphiphile in Low-Polar Organic Solvents. Langmuir, 1999, 15, p.4434-4440.
7.V.A. Kabanov, V.G. Sergeyev, O.A. Pyshkina, A.A. Zinchenko, A.B. Zezin, J.G.H. Joosten, J. Brackman, K. Yoshikawa, Interpolyelectrolyte Complexes Formed by DNA and AstramolTM Poly(propylene imine) Dendrimers. Macromolecules, 2000, 33, p.9587-9593.
8.N.O. Kozlova, L.B. Bruskovskaya, I.B. Okuneva, N.S. Melik-Nubarov, A.A. Yaroslavov, V.A. Kabanov, F.M. Menger, Interaction of a cationic polymer with negatively charged proteolyposomes,, 2001, 1514, p.139-151.
9.N.A. Lokshin, O.A. Pyshkina, V.B. Golubev, V.G. Sergeyev, A.B. Zezin, V.A. Kabanov, K. Levon, S. Piankijsakul, Intermolecular Electron Transfer in Low-Molecular-Weight Polyaniline Models Associating on Protonation by Amphiphilic Acid in Organic Solvent. Macromolecules, 2001, 34, p.5480-5486.
10.V.A. Kabanov, A.A. Yaroslavov, What happens to negatively charged lipid vesicles upon interacting with polycation species? J.Controlled Release, 2002, 78, p.267-271.