Peter Illes - Major Publications#

In total 207 original publications and 97 reviews/book chapters. Total citations: ~6000; H-index=46; anticipated citations in 2011= about 520.

Oliveira, J.F., Riedel, T., Leichsenring, A., Heine, C., Franke, H., Krügel, U., Nörenberg, W., and Illes, P.:
Rodent cortical astroglia express in situ functional P2X7 receptors sensing pathologically high ATP concentrations.
Cerebral Cortex, 21: 806-820, 2011 (IF: 6.979).

Bodnar, M., Wang, H., Riedel, T. Hintze, S., Kato, E., Fallah, G, Gröger-Arndt, H., Giniatullin, R., Grohmann, M., Hausmann, R., Schmalzing, G., Illes, P., and Rubini, P.:
Amino acid residues contituting the agonist binding site of the human P2X3 receptor.
J. Biol. Chem., 286: 2739-2749, 2011 (5.328).

Nörenberg, W., Schunk, J., Fischer, W., Sobottka, W., Riedel, T., Oliveira, J.F., Franke, H., and Illes. P.:
Electrophysiological classification of P2X7 receptors in cultured rat neocotrical astrocytes.
Br. J. Pharmacol., 160: 1941-1952, 2010 (IF: 5,204).

Stanchev, D., Blosa, M., Milius, D., Gerevich, Z., Rubini, P., Schmalzing, G., Eschrich, K., Illes, P., and Wirkner, K.:
Cross-inhibition between native and recombinant P2X3 and TRPV1 receptors.
Pain, 143:26-36, 2009 (IF: 5.371).

Szasz, B.K., Mike, A., Karoly, R., Gerevich, Z., Illes, P., Vizi, E.S. and Kiss, J.P.:
Direct inhibitory effect of fluoxetine on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the central nervous system.
Biol Psychiatry, 62: 1303-1309, 2007 (IF: 8.926).

Gerevich, Z., Zadori, Z., Köles, L., Kopp, L., Milius, D., Wirkner, K., Gyires, K., and Illes, P.:
Dual effect of acid pH on purinergic P2X3 receptors depends on the histidine-206 residue. J. Biol. Chem., 282: 33949-33957, 2007 (5.328).

Wirkner, K., Günther, A., Weber, M., Guzman, J.S., Krause T, Fuchs, J., Köles, L., Nörenberg, W., Franke, H., and Illes, P.:
Modulation of NMDA receptor current in layer V pyramidal neurons of the rat prefrontal cortex by P2Y receptor activation.
Cereb. Cortex 17: 621-631, 2007 (IF: 6.979).

Wirkner, K., Sperlagh, B. and Illes, P.:
P2X3 receptor involvement in pain states.
Mol. Neurobiol., 36: 165-183, 2007 (IF: 4.735).

Sperlagh, B., Vizi, E.S., Wirkner, K. and Illes, P.
P2X7 receptors in the nervous system.
Progr. Neurobiol., 78: 327-346, 2006 (IF: 9.140).

Highest impact factor publications:

Illes, P. and Regenold, J.T.:
Interaction between neuropeptide Y and noradrenaline on central catecholamine neurons.
Nature, 344: 62-63, 1990 (IF: 34.480).

Chizh, B.A. and Illes, P.:
P2X receptors and nociception.
Pharmacol. Rev., 53: 553-568, 2001 (IF: 17.00).

Best cited book:

P. Illes and H. Zimmermann (Eds.):
Nucleotides and their receptors in the nervous system.
Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 120 (Elsevier)

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