Antoine Bailly#



A short laudatio by Jorge Gaspar#
Professor Antoine Bailly has achieved excellence in scholarship and research but also in such arenas as institution building, international relations, teaching, leadership and in several hobbies including alpine skiing, mountain climbing and cycling, As such he serves as an exemplar of human achievement and a model for all of his colleagues.
Antoine Bailly's scholarly contributions have first been recognized in the 70's and 80's in the francophone world, His textbooks in geography and regional science were best sellers with translations in Italian and Spanish. His pioneer works in behavioural geography, geography of well being and spatial medicometry found a broad recognition. He has published in English and other languages in the 90's and there can be no mistake that his 300 journal articles and 32 books are a testament to a life of intense, serious and creative scholarship that has contributed broadly and deeply to geography, regional science, planning, philosophy of sciences and medical analytical methodology. At the same time he made many and rich contributions in the form of service to these fields, various universities and other organizations in the form of institution building and capacity expansion. He chaired the Social Sciences section of the University of Geneva and became president of the University Council. In regional science he chaired 3 associations and Regional Science International to promote the concept of "universal rnembership". He was also active in many planning institutions in Switzerland, France, and European Union.