New Report: Evolution of Digital Scholarly Practices in the Humanities#
In an era marked by rapid advancements in technology and an increasing emphasis on Open Science and digital outputs, the humanities have seen a significant transformation in their scholarly practices. To address, evaluate and recognise these changes, ALLEA

The report stresses that the expansion of digital practices and innovative scholarly outputs should be embraced by the academic community, and calls for the adaptation of research assessment systems to recognise and reward these developments.
Intended for use as a practical, concrete resource, the new report includes recommendations for evaluating specific types of digital outputs, as well as examples of best practices, and suggested reading material. While its focus is on the humanities, the publication can be browsed through regardless of the field of research of the reader – the tide of digital transformation is sweeping across every realm of science, and is substantially reshaping the landscape of knowledge and discovery.
The report underscores the transformative impact of digital practices on humanities scholarship. It highlights the importance of recognising interdisciplinary work, innovative research methods, and non-traditional scholarly outputs. In the first part, the ALLEA Working Group E-Humanities addresses challenges in digital humanities, focusing on transparency in linking resources to publications, recognising updates as scholarly contributions, reevaluating authorship, fostering digital skills, and adjusting evaluation methods.
The second section offers recommendations for assessing specific digital outputs like editions, databases, infographics, code, blogs, and podcasts. Each case study includes practical examples and suggested readings.
Year: 2023
DOI: 10.26356/OUTPUTS-DH