David Hernández de la Fuente#
FIELD OF SCHOLARSHIP: Classics: Ancient Greek History; Ancient Greek CivilizationBIOGRAPHICAL NOTE:
PhD in Classical Studies, PhD in Sociology, BA in Classical Philology, Hispanic Philology and Law. He has been Predoctoral Fellow at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2000-2004), Postdoctoral Fellow at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2005-2009) and Humboldt Fellow at Universität Potsdam (2009-2011). From 2011 he is Assistant Professor at the Department of Ancient History of UNED (Madrid). He has been visiting scholar or lecturer at Columbia University, Università di Firenze, CNRS (Paris), Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin), Université Paris-X Nanterre, Freie Universität Berlin, etc. He has received awards such as the "Pastor" Prize for Classical Studies (2005) to his dissertation in Classical Philology (Universidad Complutense) and several prestigious grants –“Juan de la Cierva” (2005), “Jose Castillejo” (2007), “Alexander von Humboldt” (2009), “Ramón y Cajal” (2011), "Beatriu Pinós" (2011), etc.–; he has led, as principal investigator, numerous research projects with public funding. He holds the positions of Coordinator of the Research Centre on Late Antiquity at UNED Segovia, Deputy Director of the Research Group Barbaricum at Complutense University and Deputy Director of the Research Group Koinonia at UNED. More information at http://portal.uned.es/portal/page?_pageid=93,24633958&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

His main research lines are Greek Religion and Mythology (especially Oracles, Dionysism and Pythagoreanism), Religion, Literature and Society in Late Antiquity (esp. Nonnus and Early Byzantium) and History of Platonism (esp. Laws and Neoplatonism). He has authored more than twenty books –among them Oráculos Griegos (Alianza Editorial 2008), Bakkhos Anax (CSIC 2008), New Perspectives on Late Antiquity (ed., Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2011), Vidas de Pitágoras (Atalanta 2011, 2nd ed. 2014 ), Breve historia de Bizancio (Alianza Editorial 2014), The Theodosian Age (Archaeopress 2013), Historia del pensamiento político griego (Trotta 2014)– and more than fifty articles and book chapters in his specialty: among them, v. gr.,"Der Chor des Dionysos: Religion und Erziehung in Platons Nomoi", ZRGG 65.1 (2013) 1-17 or “Dionysos and Christ as Paralell Figures in Late Antiquity”, in A. Bernabé et al. (eds.), Redefining Dionysos, De Gruyter 2013. His latest research deals with religious and cultural change in Late Antiquity and with the role of traditional religion in Plato’s Laws as a response to the failure of the Athenian democracy. More information, a list of publications and samples at https://uned.academia.edu/DavidHern%C3%A1ndezdelaFuente

Vidas de Pitágoras (Atalanta, Vilaür 2011). ISBN 978-84-938466-6-4. Revised second edition (Atalanta, Vilaür 2014. ISBN 978-84-940941-7-0.). [Some reviews: M. Martínez Hernández, Estudios Clásicos 140 (2011) 144-145; Mª del Mar Rodríguez Alcocer, Gerión. Revista de Historia antigua 30 (2012), 356-359; M. Movellán Luis, Epos: revista de filología 27 (2011) 447-449; F. Pezzoli, Comunitania 3 (enero 2012) 97-99; M.J. Hermoso Félix, Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 30 2 (2013) 573-575].This monograph, with two editions, has been voted "Book of the Year" (section biographies) by the critics of the influential cultural supplement of El País (Babelia) in 2011.
New Perspectives on Late Antiquity, (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle 2011). ISBN 978-1-4438-2718-8. [Some reviews: G. Cupaiuolo (ed.), Notiziario Bibliografico, Bollettino di studi latini 41 (2011), pp. LX-CXVII; R. González Salinero, Espacio, Tiempo y Forma II: Hist. Antigua, 24 (2011), 683-685; S.Gonzalez Sanchez, Medieval Archaeology, 57 (2013), 342-343]. This collective monograph is the first of a series of three other books also edited by the awardee: The Theodosian Age (AD 379-455): Oxford 2013; El espejismo del bárbaro, Castellón 2013 and New perspectives on Late Antiquity in the Eastern Roman Empire, Newcastle, forthcoming 2014.