Yuntian Zhu - Selected Publications#

1. Y.T. Zhu and X.L. Wu, Introduction to Heterostructured Materials, Elsevier, in press. Book.

2. Y.T. Zhu and X.L. Wu, “Heterostructured Materials,” Prog. Mater. Sci. 131, 101019 (2023).

3. X.L. Wu, M.X. Yang, F.P. Yuan, G.L. Wu, C.X. Zhang, P. Jiang, X. X. Huang, and Y.T. Zhu, “Lamella Structure Unites Ultrafine-Grain Strength with Coarse-Grain Ductility,” PNAS 112, 14501-14505 (2015).

4. X.L. Wu, P. Jiang, L. Chen, F.P. Yuan, and Y.T. Zhu, “Extra Strain Hardening Induced by Gradient Structure,” PNAS, 111(20), 7197-7201 (2014).

5. X.L. Wu and Y.T. Zhu, “Heterogeneous Materials: A New Class of Materials with Unprecedented Mechanical Properties,” Mater. Res. Lett., 5, 527-542 (2017).

6. X.L. Ma, C.X. Huang, J. Moering, H.W. Höppel, M. Göken, J. Narayan, and Y.T. Zhu, “Mechanical Properties of Copper/Bronze Laminates: Role of Interfaces,” Acta Mater. 116, 43-52 (2016).

7. X.L. Wu and Y.T. Zhu, “Inverse Grain-Size Effect on Twining in Nanocrystalline Ni,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 025503 (2008).

8. Y.T. Zhu, X.Z. Liao, and X.L. Wu, “Deformation Twinning in Nanocrystalline Materials,” Prog. Mater. Sci., 57, 1-62 (2012).

9. Y.T. Zhu and X.Z. Liao, “Nanostructured Metals: Retaining Ductility,” Nature Materials 3, 351-352 (2004). Citation #: 587.

10. Y.H. Zhao, X.Z. Liao, S. Cheng, E. Ma and Y.T. Zhu, “Simultaneously Increasing the Ductility and Strength of Nanostructured Alloys,” Advanced Mater. 18, 2280-2283 (2006).

Scientific Metrics (as of May 27, 2023):

Google Scholar:

H-index: 121; Total citations: 55121


H-index: 112; Total citations: 45590

Researcher ID:

H-index: 104; Total Citations: 39510

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