Michael Zürn - Publications#

a) Google Scholar (18.09.2014)
  • no. of citations overall: 8956
  • h-index: 46
  • i10 index: 86

b) Selected Top Ranked Pieces

Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates: Globalisierung und Denationalisierung als Chance, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 413 pages, 1998 (1456 citations)

"The study of international regimes," European Journal of International Relations, 1 (3), 267-330 (together with M. Levy, O.R. Young), 1995 (472 citations)

Die neuen internationalen Beziehungen, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 614 pages (together with G. Hellmann, K.D. Wolf), 2003 (431 citations)

"Democratic governance beyond the nation state: The EU and other international institutions?" European Journal of International Relations 6 (2), 183-221, 2000 (410 citations)

"Global governance and legitimacy problems," Government and Opposition 39 (2), 260-287, 2004 (303 citations)

"Über den Staat und die Demokratie im europäischen Mehrebenensystem," Politische Vierteljahresschrift 37 (1), 27-55, 1996 (282 citations)

"Getting socialized to build bridges: constructivism and rationalism, Europe and the nation-state," International Organization, 1045-1079 (together with J.T. Checkel), 2005 (244 citations)

(c) Selected New publications

The Dynamics of the Rule of Law in an Era of International and Transnational Governance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 396 pages (edited together with A. Nollkaemper, R. Peerenboom), 2014

"'Rules about rules' and the endogenous dynamics of international law: Dissonance reduction as a mechanism of secondary rule-making," Global Constitutionalism 3 (2), 236-273 (together with T. Reinold), 2014

"The politicization of world politics and its effects: Eight propositions," European Political Science Review 6 (01), 47-71, 2014

"Das schwierige Verhältnis von Globalisierung und Demokratie," Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 23 (2), 189-300, 2014

"On Fragmentation, Differentiation, and Coordination," Global Environmental Politics 13 (3), 109-120 (together with B. Faude), 2013

Bringing Sociology to International Relations. World Politics as Differentiation Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 283 pages (edited together with M. Albert and B. Buzan), 2013
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