Jakob Wisse - Selected publications#

J. Wisse, 'Remembering Cremutius Cordus: Tacitus on History, Tyranny and Memory', Histos 7 (2013), 299-361.

J. Wisse, 'A Popular Consul’s Claptrap and the Sequence of Tenses: The Text and Rhetorical Significance of Cicero, De lege agraria 2.7', Mnemosyne [published 2013].

J. Wisse, 'The bad orator: between clumsy delivery and political danger', in: C. Steel, H. van der Blom (eds.), Community and Communication: Oratory and Politics in Republican Rome (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), 163-194.

J. Wisse., M. Winterbottom, E. Fantham, M. T. Cicero. De oratore libri III, Volume 5: Book III, 96-230 (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2008).

J. Wisse, 'The Riddle of the Pro Milone: the Rhetoric of Rational Argument', in: Jonathan Powell (ed.), Logos: Rational Argument in Classical Rhetoric (BICS Suppl. 96, London 2007), 35-68.

J. Wisse, 'The Intellectual Background of Cicero's Rhetorical Works', in: J. M. May (ed.), Brill's companion to Cicero: Oratory and Rhetoric (Leiden: Brill, 2002), 331-374.

J. Wisse, 'De Oratore: Rhetoric, Philosophy, and the Making of the Ideal Orator', in: J. M. May (ed.), Brill's Companion to Cicero: Oratory and Rhetoric (Leiden, Brill, 2002), 375-400.

J. M. May & J. Wisse, Cicero, On the Ideal Orator (New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001).

J. Wisse, 'Atticists, Academics and Epicureans. Response to Robert Gaines', in: Clara Auvray-Assayas, Daniel Delattre (éds.), Cicéron et Philodème. La polémique en philosophie (Paris: Éditions Rue d’Ulm/Presses de l’École normale supérieure 2001), 273-282.

A. D. Leeman, H. Pinkster, J. Wisse, M. T. Cicero. De oratore libri III, 4. Band: Buch II,291-367; Buch III,1-95 (Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1996).

J. Wisse, 'The Presence of Zeno. The Date of Philodemus’ On Rhetoric and the Use of the “Citative” and “Reproducing” Present in Latin and Greek', in: R. Risselada, J.R. de Jong, A.M. Bolkestein (eds.), On Latin. Linguistic and Literary Studies in Honour of Harm Pinkster (Amsterdam: Gieben 1996), 173-202.

J. Wisse, 'Greeks, Romans, and the Rise of Atticism', in: J.G.J. Abbenes, S.R. Slings, I. Sluiter (eds.), Greek Literary Theory after Aristotle: A Collection of Papers in Honour of D. M. Schenkeveld (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1995), 65-82.

R. F. Regtuit, J. Wisse, Edition of Oxyrhynchus papyrus 3853, in: The Oxyrhynchus Papyri vol. LVI (London: British Academy/Egypt Exploration Society, 1989), 102-104.

J. Wisse, Ethos and Pathos from Aristotle to Cicero (Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1989).
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