Partial List of Publications#

[1]] A lower bound for the critical probability of the square-lattice site percolation. Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verw. Gebiete, 69 (1985) 19-22

[2]] Persistent random walks in random environments. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 71 (1986) 615-625

[3]] Bounds on the limiting variance of the ``heavy particle in R^1. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 104 (1986) 445-457 [with D. Szász]]

[4]] Towards a unified dynamical theory of the Brownian particle in an ideal gas. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 111 (1987) 41-62 [with D. Szász]]

[5]] Phase transition in an interacting Bose system. An application of the theory of Ventsel' and Freidlin. Journal of Statistical Physics, 61 (1990) 748-764

[6]] Exponential estimates for the Wiener sausage. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 88 (1991) 249-259 [with M. van den Berg]]

[7]] Failure of saturated ferromagnetism in the Hubbard model with two holes. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 22 (1991) 321-333

[8]] Improved lower bound on the thermodynamical pressure of the S=1/2 quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 28 (1993) 75-84

[9]] `True' self-avoiding walk with bond repulsion on Z: limit theorems. The Annals of Probability, 23 (1995) 1523-1556

[10]] Generalized Ray-Knight theory and limit theorems for self-interacting random walks. The Annals of Probability, 24 (1996) 1324-1367

[11]] The true self-repelling motion. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 111 (1998) 375-452 [with W. Werner]]

[12]] Reflection and coalescence between independent 1-d Brownian paths Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques, 36 (2000) 509-545 [with F. Soucaliuc and W. Werner]]

[13]] No more than three favourite sites for simple random walk. The Annals of Probability, 29 (2001) 484-503

[14]] Self-interacting random motions. In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Mathematics, Barcelona 2000, vol. 1, pp. 555-565, Birkhauser, 2001.

[15]] Onsager relations and Eulerian hydrodynamic limit for systems with several conservation laws. Journal of Statistical Physics, 112 (2003) pp. 497-521 [with B. Valkó]]

[16]] Derivation of the Leroux system as the hydrodynamic limit of a two-component latice gas. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 249 (2004) pp. 1-27 [with J. Fritz]]

[17]] Perturbation of singular equilibria of hyperbolic two-component systems: a universal hydrodynamic limit. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 256 (2005) pp. 111-157 [with B. Valkó]]

[18]] Random Trees and General Branching Processes. Random Structures and Algorithms 31 (2007) 186-202 [with A. Rudas and B. Valkó]]

[19]] Statistical mechanical systems on complete graphs, infinite exchangeability, finite extensions and a discrete moment problem. The Annals of Probability 35 (2007) 867-914 [with T.M. Liggett and J.E. Steif]]

[20]] Erdős-Rényi ramdom graphs + forest fires = self-organized criticality, Electronic Journal of Probability 14 (2009), Paper no. 45, pages 1290–1327 [with B. Ráth]]

[21]] Diffusivity bounds for 1d Brownian polymers. The Annals of Probability, 40 (2012) 695-713 [with P. Tarrès and B. Valkó]]

[22]] Diffusive limits for "true" (or myopic) self-avoiding random walks and self-repellent Brownian polymers in three and more dimensions. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 153 (2012) 691-726 [with I. Horváth and B. Vető]]

[23]] Stuck walks. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 154 (2012) 149-163 [with A. Erschler and W. Werner]]

[24]] Superdiffusive bounds on self-repellent Brownian polymers and diffusion in the curl of the Gaussian free field in d=2. Journal of Statistical Physics, 147 (2012) 113-131 [with B. Valko]]

[25]] Superdiffusion in the periodic Lorentz gas. Communications in Mathematical Physics, First Online: 18 February 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s00220-016-2578-y [with J. Marklof]]
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