John Plane - Selected Publications#

377 papers in peer-reviewed journals (including 3 papers in Science and 7 in the Nature series), and 16 chapters in edited research monographs. Citation statistics: >19,000 citations (>6500 since 2017); average citations per paper = 50; h-index = 70 (Google Scholar).

Plane, J. M. C.*; Feng, W.; Douglas, K. M. (2021), Phosphorus Chemistry in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 126, art. no.: e2021JA029881.

Saiz-Lopez, A.; Travnikov, O.; Sonke, J. E.; Thackray, C. P.; Jacob, D. J.; Carmona-García, J.; Francés-Monerris, A.; Roca-Sanjuán, D.; Ulises Acuña, A.; Dávalos, J. Z.; Cuevas, C. A.; Jiskra, M.; Wang, F.; Bieser, J.; Plane, J. M. C.; Francisco, J. S. (2020), Photochemistry of oxidized Hg(I) and Hg(II) species suggests missing mercury oxidation in the troposphere, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 117, 30949–30956.

Douglas, K. M.; Blitz, M. A.; Mangan, T. P.; Western, C. M.; Plane, J. M.C.* (2020), Kinetic Study of the Reactions PO + O2 and PO2 + O3 and Spectroscopy of the PO Radical, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124, 7911-7926.

Decin, L.; Montarges, M.; Richards, A. M. S.; Gottlieb, C. A.; Homan, W.; McDonald, I. ; El Mellah, I.; Danilovich, T. ; Wallstrom, S. H. J.; Zijlstra, A.; Baudry, A.; Bolte, J. ; Cannon, E.; De Beck, E.; De Ceuster, F.; de Koter, A. ; De Ridder, J.; Etoka, S. ; Gobrecht, D.; Gray, M.; Herpin, F.; Jeste, M.; Lagadec, E.; Kervella, P.; Khouri, T.; Menten, K.; Millar, T.; Muller, H. S. P.; Plane, J. M. C.; Sahai, R.; Sana, H.; Van de Sande, M.; Waters, L. B. F. M.; Wong, K. T.; Yates, J. (2020), (Sub-)stellar companions shape the winds of evolved stars, Science, 369, 1497-1500.

Carrillo-Sánchez, J. D.; Gómez-Martín, J. C.; Bones, D. L.; Nesvorný, D.; Pokorný, P. Benna, M.; Flynn, G. F.; Plane, J. M. C.* (2020) Cosmic dust fluxes in the atmospheres of Earth, Mars, and Venus, Icarus, 335, art. no. 113395.

Plane, J. M. C.*; Feng, W.; Gómez-Martín, J. C.; Gerding, M.; Raizada, S. (2018), A new model of meteoric calcium in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 14799-14811.

Plane, J. M. C.*; Carrillo-Sanchez, J. D.; Mangan, T. P.; Crismani, M. M. J. ; Schneider, N. M.; Määttänen, A. (2018), Meteoric Metal Chemistry in the Martian Atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, 123, 695-707.

Plane, J. M. C.*; Flynn, G. J.; Määttänen, A.; Moores, J. E.; Poppe, A. R.; Carrillo-Sánchez, J. D.; Listowski, C., (2018), Impacts of Cosmic Dust on Planetary Atmospheres and Surfaces, Space Science Reviews, 214, art. no. 23.

Crismani, M. M. J.; N. M. Schneider; J. M. C. Plane; J. S. Evans; S. K. Jain; M. S. Chaffin; J. D. Carrillo-Sánchez; J. I. Deighan; R. V. Yelle; A. I. F. Stewart; W. McClintock; J. Clarke; G. M. Holsclaw; A. Stiepen; F. Montmessin; B. M. Jakosky (2017), Detection of a persistent meteoric metal layer in the Martian atmosphere, Nature Geoscience, 10, 401–404.

Gómez Martín, J. C.; Bones, D. L.; Carrillo-Sánchez, J. D.; James, A. D.; Trigo-Rodríguez, J. M.; Fegley Jr., B. ; Plane, J.M.C.* (2017), Novel Experimental Simulations of the Atmospheric Injection of Meteoric Metals, Astrophysical Journal, 836, art. no. 212.

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