Rosa Maria Martinez de Codes - Biography#

Rosa Maria Martinez de Codes is Professor of American History at the University Complutense in Madrid. She received her PhD in American History atComplutense University in 1985. Currently she is Vice President of the International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA, Washington D.C.) and previously, she was Vice Director of Religious Affairs at the Spanish Ministry of Justice (1996-2002). At present she is a member of Academia Europae.

As main researcher of four National Coordinated Projects she has worked on Ethnic and religious Minorities in Europe; Defamation issues and incitement to religious hate; Teaching respect of religions: analysis of phobias and religious stereotypes; Tolerance and Public policies: anti-Semitism, lslamophobia and Christianphobia; and, lately, Religions and Secularity in the West.

She is the author of many scholarly journal articles and book chapters dealing with religion, state, and society. She lately co-edited, De Inmigrante a ciudadano, Ed. Alderabán, Cuenca , 2009; Trends of Secularism in a pluralistic World (Iberoamericana/Vervuert, Madrid/ Frankfort, 2013) and Tendencias secularizadoras en un mundo globalizado, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia, 2015.

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