Charles Hulme - Publications#

Current h index (Google Scholar): 77
Publications include 7 authored books, 5 Edited books, and some 230 journal articles

10 most influential publications include the following:

Hulme, C. Maughan, S and Brown, G.D.A. (1991) Memory for familiar and unfamiliar words: Evidence for a long-term memory contribution to short-term memory span. Journal of Memory and Language, 30, 685-701.
(Citations 771)

Hatcher, P., Hulme, C. and Ellis, A.W. (1994) Ameliorating early reading failure by integrating the teaching of reading and phonological skills: The phonological linkage hypothesis. Child Development, 65, 41-57.
(Citations 904).

Brown G., Preece, T. & Hulme, C. (2000). Oscillator-based memory for serial order. Psychological Review, 107, 127-181.
(Citations 706).

Muter, V., Hulme, C., Snowling, M.J., & Stevenson, J. (2004). Phonemes, rimes and language skills as foundations of early reading development: Evidence from a longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 40, 663-681.
(Citations 471

Bowyer-Crane, C., Snowling, M.J., Duff, F.J. Fieldsend, E. Carroll, J., Miles, J.N.V., Goetz, K., ., Hulme, C. (2008). Improving early language and literacy skills: Differential effects of an oral language versus a phonology with reading intervention. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 49, 422-432.
(Citations 95).

Melby-Lervag, M. & Hulme, C. (2013) Is working memory training effective? A meta-analytic review. Developmental psychology 49 (2), 270
(Citations 723)

Hulme C. & Snowling M. (2009) Developmental Disorders of Language, Learning and Cognition. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
(Citations 221).

Clarke, P., Snowling, M., Truelove, E. & Hulme, C. (2010). Ameliorating children’s reading comprehension difficulties: A randomised controlled trial. Psychological Science, 21, 1106-1116.
Citations 69.

Caravolas, M., Lervåg, A., Mousikou, P., Efrim, C., Litavský, M., Onochie-Quintanilla, E., Salas, N., Schöffelová, M., Defior,S., Mikulajová, M., Seidlová-Málková, G., Hulme, C. (2012) Common patterns of prediction of literacy development in different alphabetic orthographies. Psychological Science, 23(6), 678-86.
(Citations 157)

Hulme, C., Bowyer-Crane, C., Carroll, J., Duff, F., & Snowling, M.J. (2012). The causal role of phoneme awareness and letter-sound knowledge in learning to read: combining intervention studies with mediation analyses. Psychological Science, 23(6), 572-7.
(Citations 92).

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