Isabel Capeloa Gil - Selected Publications#

Gil, I., (2022) Theory in a Post-theoretical world. Beyoncé and the afterlife of Over Her Dead Body, Elisabeth Karremann (et alia, Des); Figures of Pathos, Konigshausen &Neumann, pp. 134-150.

I. Gil (2021) A Rhetoric of Exaggeration. Mediterranean Lessons from W.G. Sebald to Agnés Varda, Symbolon, Anno XII, nn. 12, pp. 245-262.

Gil, I. (2018) From Siegfried Kracauer to Busby Berkeley. Aylin Basaran, Julia B. Köhne, Klaudija Sabo, Christina Wieder (ed.) Sexualität und Widerstand. Internationale Filmkulturen, pp 108-121.

Gil, I. (2018) Lex fugit: on acts of legibIlity. Pepita Hesselberth, Janna Houwen, Esther Peeren and Ruby de Vos (eds) Legibility in the age of signs and machines. Brill.

Gil, I. (2017) Celluloid consensus: A comparative approach to film in Portugal during world war II. The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies. pp 501-515.

Gil, I. (2016) Fragile matters: Literature and the scene of torture. New German Critique 43(1): 119-140

Gil, I. & C. Wulf (eds) (2015). Hazardous Future. Disaster, Representation and the Assessment of Risk. de Gruyter.

Gil, I. & H. Gonçalves da Silva (eds) (2015). The Cultural Life of Money. de Gruyter

Gill, I. (2013) "Framing War. On the Visuality of Violence", SPELL, 13.2, 2013, pp. 15-28.

Gill, I. (2012). "Fuss-Karrieren. Der Schuh von Baudelaire bis Warhol", Paragrana, 20/1, 2012, pp. 209- 229.

Gill, I. (2011). "Savages and Neurotics. Freud at the Colonial School”, Journal of Romance Studies, Vol.11.2, 2011, pp. 27-42

Gil, I. (2011). “Monks, Managers and Celebrities. Re#guring the European University” in Barbie Zelizer (ed.), Making the University Matter, Routledge, London, pp. 73-83;

Gill, I. (2010). "The Visuality of Catastrophe in Ernst Juenger's Der gefaehrliche Augenblick and Die veraenderte Welt", Kulturpoetik. Journal for Cultural Poetics, 10, 1, pp. 62-84.

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