Brian Follett - Publications #

  • 427 papers
  • S. Yasuo, M. Watanabe, N. Nakao, T. Takagi, B.K. Follett, S. Ebihara and T. Yoshimura (2005). The reciprocal switching of two thyroid hormone-activating and –inactivating enzyme genes is involved in the photoperiodic gonadal response of Japanese quail. Endocrinology 146: 2551-2554.
  • M.H. Hastings & B.K. Follett (2001). Towards a molecular biological calendar? J. Biol. Rhythms 16: 424-430.
  • B K Follett, V M King, & S. L. Meddle (1998). Rhythms and photoperiodism in birds. In “Biological Rhythms and Photoperiodism in Plants” (eds., P J Lumsden and A J Millar), pp 231 - 242. BIOS, Oxford.
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