William Earnshaw - Selected Publications#

Total 368: refereed - 307; Books - 4; invited - 57
ISI/Scopus: Total citations = 37,511; h = 101 - avg # citations/pub = 123
Google Scholar: Total citations = 55,721; h = 123

1. Samejima, I., C. Spanos, K. Samejima, J. Rappsilber, G. Kustatscher & W.C. Earnshaw. (2022). Mapping the invisible chromatin transactions of prophase chromosome remodelling. MOL. CELL (in press - published January 27, 2022).

Using our novel system for analysing the events of mitotic entry we for the first time dissect the earliest events of mitosis that occur before any visible sign of mitotic entry by microscopy.

2. Gibcus, J.H.*, K. Samejima*, A. Goloborodko*, I. Samejima, N. Naumova, J. Nuebler, M. Kanemaki, L. Xie, J.R. Paulson, W.C. Earnshaw†, L.A. Mirny†, J. Dekker†. (2018). A pathway for mitotic chromosome formation. SCIENCE 359: eaao6135. *equal first authors. †equal corresponding authors. [252 citations]
PMID: 29348367; PMC5924687; DOI: 10.1126/science.aao6135.

See also: Nat. Rev. Cell Biol. 19:139 A stairway to mitotic chromosome assembly (DOI: 10.1038/nrm.2018.13); See also: Quanta Magazine - https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-cells-pack-tangled-dna-into-neat-chromosomes-20180222/ (Faculty of 1000)

Samejima (co-first author) established chemical-genetic system for synchronous mitotic entry of DT-40 CDK1-as cells. Hi-C revealed the first definitive evidence for a helical chromosome scaffold backbone requiring condensin II from which extend nested chromatin loops dependent on condensins I/II. WCE established collaboration, supervised all cell-biology/microscopy studies; co-wrote/co-communicated paper.

3. Samejima K., D. Booth, H. Ogawa, J. Paulson, L. Xie, C. Watson, M. Platani, M.T. Kanemaki and W.C. Earnshaw. (2018). Functional analysis after rapid degradation of condensins and 3D-EM reveals chromatin volume is uncoupled from chromosome architecture in mitosis. J. CELL SCIENCE, 131. pii: jcs210187. PMID: 29361541; PMC5868952; DOI: 10.1242/jcs.210187; FREE ARTICLE [19 citations]

4. Pollard, T.D. W.C. Earnshaw, J. Lippincott-Schwartz and G. Johnson. (2017). CELL BIOLOGY, 3rd edition. Elsevier, Philadelphia, 882 pages. ISBN: 978-0-323-34126-4

Major textbook. This is Pollard and Earnshaw’s project. 4th edition to be published December 2022.

The 3rd edition is regularly among the top 20 books accessed from 20,000 books published by Elsevier.

5. Booth D.G., A.J. Beckett, O. Molina, I. Samejima, H. Masumoto, N. Kouprina, V. Larionov, I.A. Prior and W.C. Earnshaw. (2016). 3D-CLEM reveals that a major portion of mitotic chromosomes is not chromatin MOL. CELL. 64:790-802. PMID: 27840028; PMC4974353; DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2016.10.009; FREE ARTICLE [55 citations]

6. Ohta S.*, J.-C. Bukowski-Wills*, L. Sanchez-Pulido, F. de L. Alves, L. Wood, Z.A. Chen, M. Platani, L. Fischer, D.F. Hudson, C.P. Ponting, T. Fukagawa, W.C. Earnshaw† and J. Rappsilber†. (2010). The protein composition of mitotic chromosomes determined using multi-classifier combinatorial proteomics. CELL 142: 810-821. *equal first authors. †equal corresponding authors. [200 citations]

PMID: 20813266; PMC2982257; DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2010.07.047

(Faculty of 1000; see also Dev. Cell 19: 356-359; Nature Methods 7: 869; Biotechniques - http://www.biotechniques.com/news/biotechniquesNews/biotechniques-303722.html Science Daily - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/09/100902121055.htm)

Landmark collaborative publication described new quantitative multi-dimensional proteomics/machine-learning approach characterising the proteome of isolated mitotic chromosomes. Of >4000 proteins in isolated chromosomes, only a small minority have important roles in chromosome structure/assembly or at kinetochores. The remainder are hitchhikers. WCE established the collaboration, designed study (including MCCP), co-wrote, co-communicated paper.

7. Nakano, M.*, S. Cardinale*, V.N. Noskov, R. Gassmann, P. Vagnarelli, S. Kandels-Lewis, V. Larionov†, W.C. Earnshaw† and H. Masumoto†. (2008). *equal first authors. †equal corresponding authors. Inactivation of a human kinetochore by specific targeting of chromatin modifiers. DEV. CELL 14,507-522. [199 citations]

PMID: 18410728; PMC2311382; DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2008.02.001

(Faculty of 1000; see also Nature Revs. Molecular Cell Biology 9: 351)

This paper revolutionized the study of vertebrate centromere epigenetics by constructing a synthetic human artificial chromosome suitable for epigenetic engineering. The synthetic kinetochore can be inactivated by targeting strong transcription or heterochromatin-inducing factors. WCE designed conditional centromere array, organised collaboration, wrote, co- communicated paper. WCE student Cardinale was co-first author.

8. Adams, R.R., S.P. Wheatley, A.M. Gouldsworthy, S.E. Kandels-Lewis, M. Carmena, C. Smythe, D.L. Gerloff & W.C. Earnshaw. (2000). INCENP binds the Aurora-related kinase AIRK2 and is required to target it to chromosomes, the central spindle and cleavage furrow. CURR. BIOL., 10: 1075-1078.

PMID: 10996078; DOI: 10.1016/S0960-9822(00)00673-4 [99 citations]

First description of the chromosomal passenger complex, one of the most important regulators of mitosis.

9. Lazebnik, Y.A., Kaufmann, S.H., Desnoyers, S., Poirier, G.G. & W.C. Earnshaw. (1994). Cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase by a proteinase with properties like ICE. NATURE 371: 346-347. PMID: 8090205; DOI: 10.1038/371346a0; ARTICLE [2321 citations]

Development of the first in vitro system to study apoptosis and mapping of the first apoptotic caspase cleavage site.

10. Earnshaw, W.C. & N. Rothfield. (1985). Identification of a family of human centromere proteins using autoimmune sera from patients with scleroderma. CHROMOSOMA 91:313-321.

PMID: 2579778; DOI: 10.1007/BF00328227 [676 citations]

First description of centromere proteins in any species.

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