Highlights of Erik Duval's work and anecdotes#

--> Erik Duval will give a major talk August 31, 20010 at the conference of the Academia Europaea AEICS. Here is a brief description:
The Snowflake Effect in Science, Learning and Music
The Snowflake Effect is a label we use for a widespread trend towards personalization, at a both deeper and wider level than ever before. Deeper, because personalization is no longer based on stereotypes that group us in clusters of people with the same taste, or learning style, or demographics: rather, technology now makes it possible to treat each of us as the unique individual that we are, with our personal characteristics, requirements, constraints and contexts. Wider, because it is possible to realize it in more contexts more often for a wider audience than ever before.

In this talk, I will present some example of how we put the Snowflake Effect into practice in how we help people learn, how we interact with music and how we support our own research - and that of others.

For a more extensive description of the talk click here

--> Erik Duval makes most of his presentations available via Slideshare . Many of his talks are interesting: one of the "Snowflake" talks might be particularly interesting for a wide audience!

-->Erik Duval interviews Professor Peter Brusilovsky in The STELLAR podcast series und "Peter Brusilovsky on Adaptive Learning Systems" see http://erikduval.wordpress.com where you also find many other interestign contributions from Erik.

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