Mauro Dorato#

Short laudatio by Cinzia Ferrini#

Mauro Dorato
Mauro Dorato at Lake Powell, USA
Mauro Dorato is a relatively young scholar whose merits have already been acknowledged at the highest degree from the university system of his home country, therefore he is already institutionally qualified to become an active member of the AE: in recent years he organized various international workshops on causation, and on the notion of law and time. The international level of his scientific production, which appears almost entirely in English, is testified by the citations of his books and papers (20 works indexed in The Philosopher ’s Index), which perhaps is just a medium-high standard among European scholars of the same age and field, but certainly quite remarkable in relation to the average of comparable Italian academic profiles.

The circulation of his ideas through the review of his books by authorative journals and foreign scholars, who have highlighted the original features of his research on time and reality and in the history of physics, the circumstance that he is a member of the steering committees of two newly established associations of international calibre, the European Philosophy of Science Association and the International Society for the Study of Spacetime, demonstrates the importance and breadth of his professional connections, which an AE membership can enhance and develop: therefore he is able to profit from a nomination in our Academia, whereas we need to reach scholars also professionally interested and not only ideally motivated in becoming members, to rely on their involvement and participation in our activities and on their initiatives.

I would like to highlight an additional important feature of this candidacy: the twofold competence of Mauro Dorato in exact science and in philosophy: in 1982 he graduated in Philosophy at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" where in 1993 he also graduated in Mathematics. What makes the AE unique, since its very foundation, is its ability to promote interdisciplinary dialogue between Humanities and the sciences. My experience, attending various meetings of the AE, is that we need to have more members who are able to understand and to speak the different languages of these two domains, to shift from one to another and then to act as cultural mediators among disciplines strongly identified by specific patterns of reasoning, conceptual terminology and technical tools. Last but not least, I have known Mauro Dorato since 1982 and can testify to his rigorous commitment to research and to his honesty and integrity.

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