Karine Chemla - Selected publications#

K. Chemla & Guo Shuchun, Les neuf chapitres. Le classique mathématique de la Chine ancienne et ses commentaires. Edition critique bilingue traduite, présentée et annotée par K. Chemla et Guo Shuchun. Glossaire des termes mathématiques chinois anciens par Karine Chemla, calligraphies originales de Toshiko Yasumoto, Préface de Geoffrey Lloyd, Dunod, 2004, 1150 p.

K. Chemla (ed.), The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions, Cambridge University Press, 2012, xvi + 596 p.

K. Chemla, "Euler's Work in Spherical Trigonometry : Contributions and Applications", Opera Omnia, troisième série, volume 10, Commentationes physicae ad theoriam caloris, electricitatis et magnetismi pertinentes. Appendicem addidit Karine Chemla, 2003, pp. CXXV-CLXXXVII.

K. Chemla, « Penser sur la science avec les mathématiques de la Chine ancienne », in Anne Cheng (éd.), La pensée en Chine aujourd’hui. Texte publié en épilogue du volume « Dépasser l’altérité », Gallimard, Folio, 2007, p. 353-386, 432-438.

K. Chemla, “On mathematical problems as historically determined artifacts. Reflections inspired by sources from ancient China,” Historia Mathematica, 36, 3, 2009, p. 213-246.

K. Chemla, "Literacy and the history of science. Reflections based on Chinese and other sources," in David R. Olson & Nancy Torrance (eds.), Cambridge handbook of literacy, Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 253-270.

K. Chemla, “從古代中國數學的觀點探討知識論文化 (cong gudai Zhongguo shuxue de guandian tantao zhishilun wenhua) (An approach to epistemological cultures from the vantage point of some mathematics of ancient China)," 祝平一 Chu Pingyi (éd.), New views on Chinese history. Volume on the History of Science and Technology: Science, technology and Chinese society 中國史新論科技史分冊:科技與中國社會 (in Chinese), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 台北:聯經出版社, 2010, p. 181-270.

K. Chemla, “Changes and continuities in the use of diagrams tu in Chinese mathematical writings (3rd century-14th century) [I]]”, Special issue of East Asian Science, Technology, and Society, An International Journal, 4, 2010, p. 303–326.

K. Chemla, “Usage of the terms “likewise” and “like” in texts for algorithms. Algorithmic analogies in ancient China”, in Klaus Hentschel (éd.), Analogien in Naturwissenschaft und Medizin, Halle: Leopoldina, 2010 (Acta Historica Leopoldina), p. 329-357.

K. Chemla, “Constructing value with instruments versus constructing equivalence with mathematics. Measuring grains according to early Chinese mathematical sources”, in John Papadopoulos and Gary Urton, The Construction of Value in the Ancient World, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 2012, p. 459-474 (bibliography on p. 536-595).
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