Manuel Bustos-Rodríguez - Publications#

Author books: Seventeen
Dir. and Coord books: four
Articles and chapters: c.ninety
Editions: three

Latest publication:

"De la Ilustración a la época posmoderna: continuidad y ruptura" (Ed. Aula Magna ed. Mc Graw Hill, 2023)

Author of numerous articles in specialized magazines and sixteen books as sole author, among others:

The socio-economic thought of Campomanes

Europe from the Old to the New Order (15th to 19th centuries)

The surgeons of the Royal College of Surgery of Cádiz at the crossroads of the Enlightenment

Business bourgeoisie and capitalism in Cádiz (Los Colarte, 1650-1750)

The merchants of the Carrera de Indias in Cádiz in the 18th century (1713-1775)

Cádiz in the Atlantic system. The city, its merchants and commercial activity (1650-1830) (Sílex and University of Cádiz, National Award for the best co-edition)

The postmodern paradox. Genesis and characteristics of current culture

Paradise on earth? The crisis of utopias

50 years later. The Church and Catholicism after the Second Vatican Council

Modern Period. From the Hispanic Monarchy to the crisis of the Old Regime

New History of Cádiz (vol. III): An Atlantic emporium in Europe

The Anglo-Dutch assaults on Cádiz and Vigo in 1702: The "Diary" of Baron Sparre

From the Enlightenment to the Postmodern Era: Continuity and ruptures

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