Lars Walløe's research areas#
Professor Lars Walløe is head of the Laboratory for Human Circulatory Physiology at the Department of Physiology. Professor Walløe and his colleagues use modern, non-invasive methods combined with advanced data processing techniques in their research, and have focused particularly on the rapid responses of the human cardiovascular system to different stimuli and the control mechanisms underlying these responses. At present, the group is working on the skin circulation and temperature regulation, short-term control of the central circulation and blood pressure, and muscle blood flow. Lars Walløe has also published on neuronal nets, statistical methodology, historical demography, population biology, reproductive epidemiology, and whale biology.
Laboratory for Human Circulatory Physiology
We use non-invasive methods (involving no penetration of the body and thus no risk) to study the human circulatory system both at rest and at different levels of exercise intensity. This enables us to study healthy subjects under completely natural conditions, without any significant disturbance of the system. Our focus is mainly on basic circulatory physiology.
We use ultrasound Doppler-based techniques that have to some extent been developed by the research group itself to measure blood flow in central and peripheral arteries. This gives very good time resolution, enabling us to follow beat-to-beat changes in blood flow and to make continuous and non-invasive measurements of blood pressure (Finapres), skin circulation (laser Doppler), skin temperature and respiratory movements. All data are registered digitally on-line for later off-line analysis using computer programs developed by Dr Morten Eriksen.
Using these methods, we have registered and analysed continuous fluctuations in the peripheral and central circulation associated with temperature regulation and respiration. We have also studied the dynamic process of diversion of blood flow to working muscles and the rise in cardiac output at the onset of physical exercise in both healthy subjects and patients with recently transplanted hearts. We have studied how blood pressure in healthy subjects is returned to the correct level when we induce a small but rapid change in blood pressure at rest or during various forms of physical exercise. We have also studied the time course of the immediate circulatory response to passive changes in body position (using a tilting bed) and by eliciting a "diving response".
Lars Walløe on the European Research Council #
pdf-File, Spain Meeting 2010
Lars Walløe on The meaning of excellence and the need for excellence in research#
pdf-File, Wroclaw meeting 2010
Interview with Lars Walløe in Research Europa, July 17, 2014#
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