Ivan Stojmenovic - Some information on publications#
Handbook of Sensor Networks: Algorithms and Architectures (I. Stojmenovic, ed.), Wiley, 2005. (180 citations). Sold as Curriculum tool as part of WSN Classroom Kit by Crossbow (bundled with 2011 Crossbow Technology sensorkits).
Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing (I. Stojmenovic, ed.), Wiley, 2002. Editor’s choice, IEEE Network July 2002.
Stojmenovic co-authored a seminal article [BMSU], describing still the only known breakthrough framework for routing with guaranteed delivery, a novel routing protocol for wireless networks that makes greedy forwarding decisions using only position of immediate neighbors and destination in the network topology. When a packet reaches a region where greedy forwarding is impossible, the algorithm recovers by routing around the face of the region. The recovery is based on the construction of planar connected subgraph without any communication overhead, and on a routing algorithm that is always successful in planar connected graphs. That article has >1400 citations (while an article from 2000, by Harward Univ. authors, merely describing the implementation details and simulation results, has been cited over 4000 times). [FS] is a follow up article, proving formally the correctness of algorithm from 1999, and showing that in geometric planar graph recovery from greedy routing failure is always possible while traversing the first face. It greatly simplified the original algorithm, made it finally easy to understand and use, and showed an error in mentioned article that rediscovered the original idea. This line of research is still very active in the community (e.g. Stojmenovic described beaconless variant, with zero local knowledge, recently in the top journal in the area [RKNS]).
[BMSU] P. Bose, P. Morin, I. Stojmenovic and J. Urrutia, Routing with guaranteed delivery in ad hoc wireless networks, ACM DIALM 1999; ACM Wireless Networks, 7, 6, 2001, 609-616 (758+684 citations + 157 to an improvement by Datta and Stojmenovic).
[FS] H. Frey and I. Stojmenovic, On delivery guarantees and worst case forwarding bounds of elementary face routing components in ad hoc and sensor networks, ACM MOBICOM 2006; IEEE Transactions on Computers, 59, 9, 2010, 1224 - 1238 (168 citations).
[RKNS] S. Rührup, H. Kalosha, A. Nayak, I. Stojmenovic, Message-efficient beaconless georouting with guaranteed delivery in wireless sensor, ad hoc and actuator networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2008; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2010 18 (1): 95-108.
Stojmenovic was the first one to propose broadcasting protocols that guarantee delivery to all nodes connected to the source, without blindly requiring each node to retransmit, in his fundamental work [SSZ] that was recognized by ISI as the Fast Breaking Paper (Oct 2003). He applied the connected dominating set (CDS) backbone concept by first making it practical by eliminating existing message overhead and proving the correctness. In his broadcasting protocols, only nodes from CDS retransmit. It was further enhanced by neighbor elimination scheme (nodes, whose all neighbors received message already, do not retransmit).
[SSZ] I. Stojmenovic, M. Seddigh, J. Zunic, Dominating sets and neighbor elimination based broadcasting algorithms in wireless networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, January 2002, 14-25. (682+55 citations).
[WDGS] J. Wu, F. Dai, M. Gao and I. Stojmenovic, On calculating power-aware connected dominating sets for efficient routing in ad hoc wireless networks, IEEE/KICS Journal of Communication Networks, Vol. 4, No. 1, March 2002, 59-70. (1007 citations).
Li, XY, Stojmenovic, I, Wang, Y, Partial Delaunay triangulation and degree limited localized Bluetooth scatternet formation, IEEE T PARALL DISTR, 15, 350-361, 2004. (128 citations); included in TOP PAPERS published in the last two-year period (Jan 2004-Dec 2005); ESI Special Topics, May 2006 http://esi-topics.com/wireless/papers/a2.html

Ivan Stojmenovic, Position based routing in ad hoc networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, 40, 7, 2002, 128-134. (456 citations).
Ivan Stojmenovic and Xu Lin, Power-aware localized routing in wireless networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 12, No. 11, Nov. 2001, 1122-1133. (855 citations).
Stephan Olariu, Ivan Stojmenovic, Design guidelines for maximizing lifetime and avoiding energy holes in sensor networks with uniform distribution and uniform reporting, IEEE INFOCOM, Barcelona, Spain, April 24-25, 2006. (169 citations).
h-index 43
Listed among <500 computer science researchers with h≥40 http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~palsberg/h-number.html

g-index 100 11860 citations in Google Scholar (Nov. 22, 2011).
Top 20 overall: #3 # papers, #9 # cites/paper, #20 total cites, Wireless/Mobile Networks 1995-2005, ESI Special Topics May 2006, http://www.esi-topics.com/wireless/authors/b1b.html].
Listed among top 20 most prolific authors on WLAN articles 2004 – mid 2005 in: Ronald N. Kostoff, Rene Tshiteya, Jesse Stump, Guido Malpohl, George Karypis, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TEXT MINING: WIRELESS LANS, 2005.