Susan Rothstein - Publications#

1. Rothstein, Susan, 1985. The Syntactic Forms of Predication. Indiana University Linguistics Club: Bloomington, Indiana.
2. Rothstein, Susan, 2001. Predicates and their Subjects. Kluwer: Dordrecht.
3. Rothstein, Susan, 2004. Structuring Events: A Study in the Semantics of Lexical Aspect. Blackwell: Oxford.
4. Rothstein, Susan, In preparation. The Semantics of Counting. (Under contract, Cambridge University Press.
Recent Papers:
5. Rothstein, Susan (in press). Adjectivally-headed construct states in Hebrew. Lingua.
6. Pires de Oliveira Roberta and Susan Rothstein. (in press) Bare singular objects in Brazilian Portuguese: Perfectivity, Telicity and Kinds. In: Johannes Kabatek and Albert Wall (eds.)
New Perspectives on Bare Noun Phrases in Romance and Beyond. [ SLCS 141). John Benjamins: Amsterdam.
7. Rothstein, Susan (in press) A cross linguistic perspective on bare nominals: Modern Hebrew and Brazilian Portuguese. In: Johannes Kabatek and Albert Wall (eds.)
New Perspectives on Bare Noun Phrases in Romance and Beyond. [ SLCS 141). John
Benjamins: Amsterdam. Scheduled publication November 2013.
8. Rothstein, Susan (to appear) Aspect. In M. Aloni and P. Dekker (eds.) , Cambridge Handbook of Semantics.
Cambridge University Press.
9. Kulkarni, Ritwik, Susan Rothstein and Alessandro Treves, (2013). A statistical investigation into the crosslinguistic distribution of mass and count nouns: a statistical perspective. Biolinguistics, 7, 132-168.
10. Rothstein, Susan, 2012. Numbers: Counting, Measuring and Classifying. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung16. Ana Aguilar-Guevara, Anna Chernilovskaya and Rick Nouwen (eds). MIT Working Papers in Linguistics: Cambridge, MA. pp527-543
11. Li Xuping and Susan Rothstein, 2012. Measure readings of Mandarin classifier phrases and the particle 'de'.
Language and Linguistics 13.4 903-741.
12. Landman, Fred and Susan Rothstein 2012. The felicity of aspectual for-phrases Parts I and 2:
Language and Linguistics Compass 6/2 85–96, 97-112
13. Rothstein, Susan, 2012. Another look at accomplishments and incrementality. In V. Demonte, and L. McNally, Telicity, Change, State: A Cross-categorical View of Event Structure. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics) Oxford University Press: Oxford. 60-102.
14. Pires de Oliveira R, and Susan Rothstein, 2011. Bare nouns in are mass in Brazilian Portuguese.
Lingua, 121.15, 2153-2175 doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2011.09.004
15. Rothstein, Susan, 2010. Counting and the mass count distinction. Journal of Semantics. 27.3: pp343-397
doi 10.1093/jos/ffq007
16. Rothstein, Susan, 2009. Measuring and counting in Modern Hebrew. Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, Volume 1. 2009. 106-145
17. Rothstein, Susan, 2011. Counting, measuring and the semantics of classifiers. The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication. Volume 6, doi: