Ardi Roelofs - Selected Publications#

Citation metrics:

Publons: H-index = 39; no. of citations = 7216
Google scholar: H-index = 52; no. of citations = 13882
Total publications: 147 (125 journal articles; 14 book chapters; 8 other publications (e.g. conference proceedings papers))

Roelofs, A. (2019). Phonological cueing of word finding in aphasia: Insights from simulations of immediate and treatment effects, Aphasiology. DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2019.1686748

Roelofs, A. (2018). A unified computational account of cumulative semantic, semantic blocking, and semantic distractor effects in picture naming. Cognition, 172, 59-72.

Roelofs, A., Piai, V., Rodriguez, G.G., & Chwilla, D.J. (2016). Electrophysiology of cross-language interference and facilitation in picture naming. Cortex, 76, 1-16.

Roelofs, A. (2014). A dorsal-pathway account of aphasic language production: The WEAVER++/ARC model. Cortex, 59, 33-48.

Roelofs, A. (2011). Attention, exposure duration, and gaze shifting in naming performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37, 860-873.

Verhoef, K., Roelofs, A., & Chwilla, D. (2009). Role of inhibition in language switching: Evidence from event-related brain potentials in overt picture naming. Cognition, 110, 84-99.

Roelofs, A., Van Turennout, M., & Coles, M. G. H. (2006). Anterior cingulate cortex activity can be independent of response conflict in Stroop-like tasks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 103, 13884-13889.

Roelofs, A. (2003). Goal-referenced selection of verbal action: Modeling attentional control in the Stroop task. Psychological Review, 110, 88-125.

Levelt, W.J.M., Roelofs, A., & Meyer, A.S. (1999). A theory of lexical access in speech production. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 1-38.

Roelofs, A. (1992). A spreading-activation theory of lemma retrieval in speaking. Cognition, 42, 107-142

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