Marianne Mithun - Selected Publications#
2016 What cycles when and why? Cyclical Change Continued. Elly van Gelderen, ed. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 19-45.
2015 Discourse and grammar. Handbook of Discourse Analysis. 2nd ed. Heidi Hamilton, Deborah Schiffrin, and Deborah Tannen, eds. Blackwell. 9-41.
2015 The shaping of modality: Views from Iroquoian. Oxford Handbook of Mood and Modality Jan Nuyts and Johan van der Auwera, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Online DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199591435.013.12
2014 The data and the examples: Comprehensiveness, Accuracy, and Sensitivity. The Art and Practice of Grammar Writing. Toshihide Nakayama and Keren Rice, eds. Joint publication Language Documentation and Conservation (on-line) and ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

2014 Prosody and Information structure: Segmentation, Integration, and in Between. Spoken Corpora and Linguistics Studies. Tomasso Raso and Heliana Mello, eds. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 297-330.
2014 Morphology: What’s in a word? How Languages Work. Carol Genetti, ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 71-99.
2013 Challenges and benefits of contact among relatives: Morphological copying. Journal of Language Contact 6:243–270.
2012 Tags: Cross-linguistic diversity and commonality. Journal of Pragmatics. (2012),

2012 Exuberant complexity: The interplay of morphology, syntax, and prosody in Central Alaskan Yup’ik. Linguistic Discovery 10:1. (e-journal).

1999 The Languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 773 pages. 2001 Reprinted in paperback. 2013 Re-issued in digital version. Winner of the Bloomfield Book Award (award given every two years by the Linguistics Society of America for the book judged the best in the field of linguistics)