Attila Melegh - Publications#
Attila Melegh (2023): The Migration Turn and Eastern Europe. A Global Historical Sociological Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. XXXIV, 425.

Attila Melegh & Zoltán Csányi (2023) Migration anxieties in Eastern Europe. Material grounds for an anti-migrant turn in a global-historical perspective, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, DOI: 10.1080/25739638.2023.2274671
Melegh, A. (2022). Neoliberal Nationalism: Immigration and the Rise of the Populist Right. Contemporary Sociology, 51(6), 483–486.

Melegh A., Vancsó A., Mendly D., Hunyadi M. (2021) Positional Insecurity and the Hungarian Migration Policy. In: Ceccorulli M., Fassi E., Lucarelli S. (eds) The EU Migration System of Governance. The European Union in International Affairs. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Swindle, Jeffrey, Shawn Dorius and Attila Melegh (2019) The mental map of national hierarchy in Europe, International Journal of Sociology, 49 pp 1-22 DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2019.1705051
Melegh, Attila and Noémi Katona (2020): Towards a scarcity of care? Tensions and contradictions. in transnational elderly care systems in central and eastern Europe. In: Katona, Noémi and Attila Melegh (eds) (2020)Towards a scarcity of care? Tensions and contradictions in transnationalelderly care systems in central and eastern Europe. Budapest, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Napvilág Kiadó.
Attila Melegh (2019) Towards a transnational and global history of demographic and migratory processes and discourses. In Matthias Middel (ed.) The Practice of Global History: European Perspectives Bloomsbury, London , 149-169
Attila Melegh, Anna Vancsó, Márton Hunyadi & Dorottya Mendly (2019) Positional Insecurity and the Hegemony of Radical Nationalism. Migration and Justice in the Hungarian Media, The International Spectator, 54:3, 54-71, DOI: 10.1080/03932729.2019.1641783
Attila Melegh (2019) The Fear of Population Replacement. In: János Mátyás Kovács ; Balázs Trencsényi (eds.) Brave New Hungary: Mapping the "System of National Cooperation" Lanham (MD): Rowman and Littlefield, pp 159-184 (2019) ISBN: 9781498543668
Melegh, Attila, Dóra Gábriel, Gabriella Gresits és Dalma Hámos (2018): Abandoned Hungarian workers and the political economy of care work in Austria. Review of Sociology of The Hungarian Sociological Association 28(4): 61-1
Monograph: Melegh, Attila (2006). On the East/West Slope: Globalization, Nationalism, Racism and Discourses on Central and Eastern Europe, New York-Budapest, CEU Press. Independent reference: 428, (Google)
1. Perceptions of societal developmental hierarchies in Europe and beyond: A Bulgarian Perspective Melegh, Attila, Arland Thornton, Dimiter Philipov and Linda Young-DeMarco European Sociological Review, Q1
2. Knowledge and beliefs about national development and developmental hierarchies: The viewpoints of ordinary people in thirteen countries Arland Thornton, Georgina Binstock, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Dirgha Ghimire, Arjan Gjonca, Attila Melegh, Colter Mitchell, Mansoor Moaddel, Yu Xie, Li-shou Yang, Linda Young-DeMarco - University of Michigan, Kathryn Yount Social Science Research Q1
3. Living to ourselves. Localizing global hierarchies in state socialist Hungary in the 1970s and 1980s Melegh, Attila Journal of Modern European History Q1
4. The mental map of national hierarchy in Europe Swindle, Jeffrey, Shawn Dorius and Attila Melegh International Journal of Sociology Q1
5. Positional Insecurity and the Hegemony of Radical Nationalism. Migration and Justice in the Hungarian Media Melegh, Attila, Anna Vancsó, Márton Hunyadi & Dorottya Mendly The International Spectator Q2
6. Unequal Exchanges and the Radicalization of Demographic Nationalism in Hungary Attila Melegh Intersections Q2
7. Provincial Europe Attila Melegh International Sociology Q2
8. Migration anxieties in Eastern Europe: Material grounds for an anti-migrant turn in a global-historical perspective? Attila Melegh and Zoltán Csányi Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe Q2