Alberto Mantovani - Selected Publications#

Mantovani A., Marchesi F., Laghi L., Malesci A., Allavena P. Tumor-associated macrophages as treatment targets in oncology. Nature Rev, Clin. Oncol.; adv. online publication 2017 doi: 10.1038/nrclinonc.2016.217

Doni A, Musso T, Morone D, Bastone A, Zambelli V, Sironi M, Castagnoli C, Cambieri I, Stravalaci M, Pasqualini F, Laface I, Valentino S, Tartari S, Ponzetta A, Maina V, Barbieri SS, Tremoli E, Catapano AL, Norata GD, Bottazzi B, Garlanda C, Mantovani A. An acidic microenvironment sets the humoral pattern recognition molecule PTX3 in a tissue repair mode. J Exp Med. 212: 905-925, 2015.

Bonavita E, Gentile S, Rubino M, Maina V, Papait R, Kunderfranco P, Greco C, Feruglio F, Molgora M, Laface I, Tartari S, Doni A, Pasqualini F, Barbati E, Basso G, Galdiero MR, Nebuloni M, Roncalli M, Colombo PG, Laghi L, Lambris JD, Jaillon S, Garlanda C, Mantovani A. PTX3 is an extrinsic oncosuppressor regulating complement-dependent inflammation in cancer. Cell 160: 700-714, 2015.

Jaillon S, Moalli F, Ragnarsdottir B, Bonavita E, Riva F, Barbati E, Nebuloni M, Krajinovic LC, Markotic A, Valentino S, Doni A, Tartari S, Graziani G, Montanelli A, Delneste Y, Svanborg C, Garlanda C, Mantovani A. The humoral pattern recognition molecule PTX3 is a key component of innate immunity against urinary tract infection. Immunity 40: 621-632, 2014.

Mantovani A, Allavena P, Sica A, Balkwill F Cancer-Related Inflammation. Nature 454: 436-444, 2008.

Garlanda C., Hirsch E., Bozza S., Salustri A., De Acetis M., Nota R., Maccagno A., Riva F., Bottazzi B., Peri G., Doni A., Vago L., Botto M., De Santis R., Carminati P., Siracusa G., Altruda A., Vecchi A., Romani L., Mantovani A. Non-redundant role of the long pentraxin PTX3 in anti-fungal innate immune response. Nature 420: 182-186, 2002.

Colotta, F., F. Re, M. Muzio, R. Bertini, N. Polentarutti, M. Sironi, J. G. Giri, S. K. Dower, J. E. Sims, and A. Mantovani. Interleukin-1 type II receptor: a decoy target for IL-1 that is regulated by IL-4. Science 261: 472-475, 1993

Bussolino, F., J. M. Wang, P. Defilippi, F. Turrini, F. Sanavio, C. J. Edgell, M. Aglietta, P. Arese, and A. Mantovani. Granulocyte- and granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factors induce human endothelial cells to migrate and proliferate. Nature 337: 471-473. 1989.

Rossi, V., F. Breviario, P. Ghezzi, E. Dejana, and A. Mantovani.. Prostacyclin synthesis induced in vascular cells by interleukin-1. Science 229: 174-176, 1985.

Bottazzi, B., N. Polentarutti, R. Acero, A. Balsari, D. Boraschi, P. Ghezzi, M. Salmona, and A. Mantovani. Regulation of the macrophage content of neoplasms by chemoattractants. Science 220:210-212, 1983.

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