Michele Loporcaro - Publications#
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Major publications
(1) 2018 Gender from Latin to Romance: history, geography, typology. Oxford: Oxford University Press
This book is nominated for the PROSE Award.
Press release by the Association of American Publishers regarding announcement of the finalists for 2019 PROSE Awards. 16. January 2019.
(2) 2016 Cheikh Anta Babou and Michele Loporcaro, Noun classes and grammatical gender in Wolof, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 37(1): 1-57.
(3) 2016a Auxiliary selection and participial agreement, in Adam Ledgeway and Martin Maiden (eds.). The Oxford guide to the Romance languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 802-818.
(4)2016c Gender, in Adam Ledgeway and Martin Maiden (eds.). The Oxford guide to the Romance languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 924-935.
(5) Vowel length from Latin to Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2015
(6) Profilo linguistico dei dialetti italiani. Rome-Bari: Laterza 2009 [2nd edn. 2013]
(7) Cattive notizie. La retorica senza lumi dei mass media italiani. Milan:
Feltrinelli 2005 [3rd edn. 2010]
(8) Sintassi comparata dell’accordo participiale romanzo. Turin: Rosenberg
& Sellier 1998
(9) L’origine del raddoppiamento fonosintattico. Saggio di fonologia diacronica
romanza. Basel – Tubingen: Francke 1997
(10) Grammatica storica del dialetto di Altamura. Pisa: Giardini 1988
(11) Syllable, segment and prosody and Phonological processes, in M. Maiden
et al. (eds.). The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages, vol. I,
chs. 3-4, Cambridge University Press 2010, 50-154
(12) The logic of Romance past participle agreement, in R. D’Alessandro
et al. (eds.). Syntactic Variation. The Dialects of Italy. Cambrigde University
Press 2010, 225-243
(13) Teoria e principi del mutamento linguistico, in G. Ernst et al. (eds.).
Romanische Sprachgeschichte. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Geschichte
der romanischen Sprachen, Berlin – New York: de Gruyter 2009. HSK, Bd.
23.3, 2611-2634
(14) On triple auxiliation in Romance, Linguistics 45 (2007): 173-222
(15) The Unaccusative Hypothesis and participial absolutes in Italian.
Perlmutter's generalization revised, Rivista di Linguistica/Italian Journal
of Linguistics 15,2 (2003): 199-263.