Tzvetana Kristeva - Selected Publications#

1.『涙の詩学 — 王朝文化の詩的言語』名古屋大学出版会、2001、505 pp.

Poetics of Tears – the Poetic Language of the Heian Period, Nagoya University Press

Review by Takahashi Toru in 『日本の美学』(Nihon-no bigaku: Japanese Aesthetics), 2002

Review by Ando Toru in 『物語研究』(Monogatari kenkyu)、2002

Round-table discussion in『文学』(Bungaku: Literature) 2002, Vol.3-4, No.2; special issue on waka-poetry 『和歌の詩学』(Waka-no shigaku: Poetics of waka), Iwanami shoten, 25-47 pp.

2. 『心づくしの日本語- 和歌でよむ古代の思想』ちくま新書、2011、253 pp.

Mapping the Heart – the Waka Poetry and the Development of the Intellectual Thought in Early Japan, Tokyo: Chikuma

Part of the book is included in the textbooks on Classical Japanese Literature published by Tokyo Tosho (since 2014)

3. По следите на четката: Японската лирическа проза Х-ХIV в

(Po sledite na chetkata – Yaponskata lyricheska proza X-XIV vek; engl.:

Following the traces of the brush – the Japanese lyrical prose X-XIV C.),

St .Kliment Ohridski Sofia University Press, 1993, 313 pp.

The first research on Japanese Literature (Classical and Modern) in the Bulgarian Language

4. Нечакана повест (Nechakana povest), Introduction, translation and annotation of Towazu-gatari by Gofukakusa-in Nijo, Plovdiv: Hristo G. Danov Publishing House; 1981, 252 pp.

The first translation of classical Japanese Literature into Bulgarian

The first translation of this literary text (XIV C.) in Europe

5. Записки под възглавката ( Zapiski pod vazglavkata), Introduction, translation and annotation of Makura-no soshi (The Pillow Book) by Sei Shonagon, Sofia: Narodna Kultura Publishing House, 1985, 365 pp.

Prize for translation

6. 『パロディと日本文化』ツベタナ・クリステワ編・著、笠間書院、2014、

494 pp. Parody and Japanese Culture, editor and co-author (11-24 pp., 184-241 pp., 466-492 pp.)

7. 『日本の俳句はなぜ世界文学なのか』ドナルド・キーン、ツベタナ・クリステワ著、弦書房、2014、57 pp.

The Japanese haiku as world literature, by Donald Keene and Tzvetana Kristeva

8. (Refereed article) “The pillow hook: the pillow book as an ‘open work’”, in Japan Review No.5, International Research Center for Japanese Studies,1994, pp.15-54

9. (Refereed article) “Murasaki Shikibu vs. Sei Shonagon: a classical case of envy in medi-evil Japan”, in Semiotica, Volume 117/2-4, Mouton de Gruyter, 1997, pp.201-22

10. 「知の形態としての日本古典文学」(特別講演)、第40回 国際日本文化

研究集会会議録、国文学研究資料館、遊文舎、2017、81-108 pp.

“The Function of the Classical Japanese Literature as a Leading Intellectual

Media “ (National Centre for Japanese Literature, key-note lecture)

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