Anthony King - Curriculum vitae#


Academic career
- 1962-63 American Council of Learned Societies Fellow in American Studies, Columbia University, New York
- 1966-67 Senior Lecturer in Government, University of Essex
- 1967-69 Reader in Government, University of Essex
- 1969-99 Professor of Government, University of Essex
- 1977-78 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California
- 1999- Essex County Council Millennium Professor of British Government, University of Essex
Visiting Professor
- 1966 Visiting Professor of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 1984 Visiting Professor of Public and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University
- 1993 Visiting Scholar, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Professional activities
- 1968-71 Chairman, Department of Government, University of Essex
- 1969-71 Member, Committee on Governmental and Legal Processes, Social Science Research Council (New York)
- 1970 Member, Executive Committee, European Consortium for Political Research
- 1971-76 Member, Committee on the Comparative Study of Public Policy, Social Science Research Council (New York)
- 1972-77 Editor, British Journal of Political Science
- 1976-80 Member, Political Science and International Relations Committee, Social Science Research Council (United Kingdom)
- 1976- Adjunct Scholar, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC
- 1978-80 Member, Editorial Board, American Political Science Review
- 1980-83 Member, Executive Committee, Political Studies Association of the UK
- 1981-84 President, Politics Association
- 1984-87, 1989-92 Co-editor, British Journal of Political Science
- 1986-89 Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic), University of Essex
- 1994- Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- 1998- Member, Academia Europaea
- 2006- Honorary Life Fellow, Royal Society of Arts
- 2009- Associate, Institute for Government, London
- 2010- Fellow of the British Academy