Michel Guidal#
Membership Number: | 4743 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2018 |
Main Country of Residence: | FRANCE |
Present and Previous Positions
- 2024 Chairman of the Very Large Scale Research Infrastructures Committee for CNRS
- 2020 Deputy Vice-President for Research and Valorisation at the University Paris-Saclay in charge of Sciences & Engineering
- 2018 "Directeur de recherches" 1st class at CNRS/IN2P3 at IPN Orsay
- 2017 Director of the IPN Orsay staff 300, research 100, largest Nuclear Physics Lab in France
- 2015 French co-leader on HPS "heavy photon search" at JLab (USA)
- 2010 - 2017 Leader of international collaborations on Generalised Parton Distributions
- 2009 "Directeur de recherches"
- 2000 - 2017 Group leader of hadronic physics team at IPN Orsay
- 11/1997 - 2018 Dtaff at IPN (Institut de Physique Nucléaire) Orsay/CNRS, France
- 11/1996 - 11/1997 Post-doc at NIKHEF, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- 12/1993 - 11/1996 PhD in nuclear physics at CEA/DPhN Saclay and University of Paris-Sud
Fields of Scholarship
- Hadronic physics 3-dimensional (3D) Tomography of the nucleus
- Nuclear physics
- Theory and experiment
- Nucleon structure
- Quantum ChromoDynamics
Honours and Awards
- 2014 Joliot-Curie prize from the French Physical Society