Jostein Gripsrud - Selected Publications#

Gripsrud, J. Ed. 2017. Allmenningen: historien om offentligheten i Norge. (“The Commons: the history of the public sphere in Norway”). Forthcoming October.

Gripsrud, J. & Graham Murdock. Eds. 2014. Money Talks: Media, Markets, Crisis. Bristol, Chicago: Intellect Books, University of Chicago Press.

Gripsrud, J., H. Moe, A. Molander & G. Murdock. Eds. 2011. The Public Sphere, vol. I-IV. London: Sage.

Gripsrud, J., H. Moe, A. Molander & G. Murdock. Eds. 2010. The Idea of the Public Sphere: A Reader. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Gripsrud, J. & H. Moe. Eds. 2010. The Digital Public Sphere: Challenges for Media Policy. Gothenburgh: Nordicom.

Gripsrud, J. Ed. 2010. Relocating Television: TV in the digital context. London, New York: Routledge.

Gripsrud, J. Guest ed. 2010. Digitizing Audiovisual Production, Popular Communication, 8, 1. Special issue.

Gripsrud, J. & L. Weibull. 2010. Media, Markets & Public Spheres: European Media at the Crossroads. Bristol: Intellect Books, University of Chicago Press.

Gripsrud, J. 1999. Mediekultur, mediesamfunn (Media Culture, Media Society), Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 5 updated editions and trans. into Danish, English, Hungarian and Swedish.

Gripsrud, J., H.F. Dahl, G. Iversen, K. Skretting & B. Sørensen. 1996. Kinoens mørke, fjernsynets lys: levende bilder i Norge gjennom hundre år (“A Hundred Years of Moving Images in Norway”, the reception history of film and television), Oslo: Gyldendal

Gripsrud, J. 1995. The Dynasty Years: Hollywood Television and Critical Media Studies, London, New York: Routledge.

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