Sten Grillner - Selected publications#

  • Stephenson-Jones M, Flores O, Robertson B, Grillner S. (2012) Evolutionary conservation of the habenular nuclei and their circuitry controlling the dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HT) systems. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109:E164-73
  • Grillner S (2011) Human locomotor circuits conform. Science 334:912-913.
  • Stephenson-Jones M, Samuelsson E, Ericsson J, Robertson B, Grillner S. (2011) Evolutionary Conservation of the Basal Ganglia as a Common Vertebrate Mechanism for Action Selection. Curr Biol, 21:1081-1091.
  • Ericsson J, Silberberg G, Robertson B, Wikström MA, Grillner S. (2011) Striatal cellular properties conserved from lampreys to mammals. J Physiol. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2011.209643.
  • Kozlov A, Huss M, Lansner A, Kotaleski JH, Grillner S. (2009) Simple cellular and network control principles governs complex patterns of motor behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 106:20027-32.
  • Jones MR, Grillner S, Robertson B. (2009) Selective projection patterns from subtypes of retinal ganglion cells to tectum and pretectum: distribution and relation to behavior. J Comp Neurol. 517:257-75.
  • Thompson RH, Ménard A, Pombal M, Grillner S. (2008) Forebrain dopamine depletion impairs motor behavior in lamprey. Eur J Neurosci. 27:1452-60.
  • Saitoh K, Ménard A, Grillner S. (2007) Tectal control of locomotion, steering, and eye movements in lamprey. J Neurophysiol. 97:3093-108.
  • Grillner, S. (2006) Biological Pattern Generation: The Cellu.lar and Computational Logic of Networks in Motion. Neuron 52:751-766.
  • Grillner, S., J. Hellgren. A. Ménard, K. Saitoh, M. Wikström (2005) Mechanisms for selection of basic motor programs – roles for the striatum and pallidum. TINS 28:364-370.
  • Grillner, S., H. Markram, E. De Schutter, G. Silberberg, F.E.N. LeBeau (2005) Microcircuits in action - from CPGs to neocortex. TINS vol 28, no 10:525-533. Cangiano L and Grillner S (2005) Mechanisms of Rhythm Generation in a Spinal Locomotor Network Deprived of crossed connections: The lamprey hemicord. J. Neurosci. 26: 923-935
  • Grillner, S. (2003) The motor infrastructure: From ion channels to neuronal networks. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 4: 573-586.
  • Parker, D., W. Zhang & S. Grillner (1998) Substance P modulates NMDA responses and causes long-term protein synthesis-dependent modulation of the lamprey locomotor network. J. Neurosci. 18:4800-4813.
  • Grillner S. (1996) Neural networks for vertebrate locomotion. Scientific American. January. 64-69.
  • Bacskai BJ, Wallén P, Lev-Ram V, Grillner S, Tsien RY (1995) Activity-related calcium dynamics in lamprey motoneurons as revealed by video-rate confocal microscopy. Neuron 14:19-28.
  • Schotland J, Shupliakov O, Wikström M, Brodin L, Srinivasan M, You Z, Herrera-Marschitz M, Zhang W, Hökfelt T. Grillner S. (1995) Control of lamprey locomotor neurons by colocalized monoamine transmitters. Nature. 374:266-268.
  • Ekeberg Ö, Lansner A, Grillner S. (1995) The neural control of fish swimming studied through numerical simulations. Adaptive Behavior 3:363-384 (MIT Press).
  • Grillner S, Matsushima T. (1991) The neural network underlying locomotion in lamprey-synaptic and cellular mechanisms. Neuron 7:1-15.
  • Alford S, Grillner S (1991) The involvment of GABAB receptors and coupled G-proteins in spinal GABAergic presynaptic inhition. J. Neurosci. 11:3718-3726.
  • Georgopoulos AP, Grillner, S (1989) Visuomotor coordination in reaching and locomotion. Science 245:1209-1210.
  • Wallén P, Grillner S.(1987) N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor-induced, inherent oscillatory activity in neurons active during locomotion in the lamprey. J Neurosci. 7: 2745-2755.
  • Buchanan JT, Grillner S. (1987) Newly identified 'glutamate interneurons' and their role in locomotion in the lamprey spinal cord. Science 236:312-314.
  • Grillner S. (1985) Neurobiological bases of rhythmic motor acts in vertebrates. Science 228:143-149.
  • Grillner S, Williams T, Lagerbäck P-Å (1984) The edgecell, a possible intraspinal mechanoreceptor. Science 22: 500-503.
  • Grillner, S. (1975) Locomotion in vertebrates - Central mechanisms and reflex interaction. Physiol. Rev. 55:247-304.
  • Grillner, S. & T. Hongo (1972) Vestibulospinal effects on motoneurones and interneurones in the lumbosacral cord. In: "Basic aspects of central vestibular mechanisms. Progr. In Brain Res. Vol. 37". l. pp 243-262. Brodal A. and Pompeiano O (Eds.).

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