Koen Geens - Selected Publications#

2.1.1. As editor : K. Geens, K. Hopt, The European Company Law Action Plan revisited/Reassessment of the 2003 Priorities of the European Commission, Leuven University Press, 2010, 376 pp.

(this book includes the papers and proceeds of a conference organized by the editors in Leuven on 9 January 2009 in the course of which a number of leading European scholars debated on the subject of a new European company law harmonization policy).

2.1.2 K. Geens, M. Wyckaert, Treatise on Belgian Company Law/General part (in Dutch : De vennootschap/Algemeen deel),

in Principles of Belgian Private Law (Beginselen van Belgisch privaat recht ; ed. W. Van Gerven & R. Dillemans), Kluwer, 2011, 905 pp (this is the most recent and exhaustive general treatise on Belgian Company law).

2.1.3. K. Geens, M. Wyckaert, Case Law Review 1999-2010 on Company law (in Dutch : Overzicht van rechtspraak. Vennootschappen), Tijdschrift voor Privaat Recht, 2012, 600 pp (in print)

(leading case law review; similar reviews were published for the period 1986-’91 in Tijdschrift voor privaatrecht, 1993, pp. 933-1197; and for the period 1992-’98, in Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht, 2000, 99-538).

2.1.4. K. Geens, “Ten years after: de la Belgique au Delaware?”, Journal des Tribunaux, 2011,178-183 (ten years after the restatement of Belgian company law, wherein the author plaid a leading role, he pleads for its radical Delawarisation in the framework of the European state competion debate).

2.1.5. K. Geens, “Post Financial Crisis Regulation in Belgium”, European Company Law, 2011, 207-213
(the author briefly describes the causes of the major crisis of Belgian cross border banks and criticizes the Belgian reform bills voted afterwards).

2.1.6 . K. Geens, C. Clottens, «One Share One vote : Fairness, Efficiency and EU Harmonisation Revisited», in The European Company Law Action Plan revisited/Reassessment of the 2003 Priorities of the European Commission, Leuven University Press (ed. K. Geens, K.Hopt), 2010, pp. 145-189.
(the authors look into the market efficient character of the principle ‘One share One vote’ which was first upheld, then after Impact Assessment judged unnecessary by the European Commission).

2.1.7. K. Geens, “What if you don’t explain (well) why you don’t comply?» in Le droit des affaires en évolution et la Gouvernance d’entreprise: carcan ou clé du succès (ed. Institut des Juristes d’Entreprises)? Bruylant/Kluwer Antwerpen, 2010, p. 1-43pp. (research into the consequences of a breach of the comply or explain principle once it has become part of the Company Law Act).

2.1.8. K. Geens, «How Belgian Company Law Launched a Reverse Takeover on Financial Markets Regulation and its Overriding Principle of the Just Price » (in Dutch: Hoe het vennootschapsrecht zich met een reverse take over verweert tegen een overnamepoging door het "beginsel van de juiste prijs"), in Liber Amicorum André Bruyneel, Bruylant, 2008, p. 451-468.
(the author is intrigued by the power financial markets regulation exercise since the end of the eighthies on company law, and the flexibility shown by the latter to integrate these novelties, as it did with labour relations law in the fifties and the sixties).

2.1.9. K. Geens, « Regionalisation of the corporate tax rate » (in Dutch: “De regionalisering van het vennootschapsbelastingtarief”), in Liber Amicorum Guy Keutgen, Bruylant, 2008, p. 261-271.

(the author was involved as Chief of Staff of the Flemish Prime Minister in the State Reform, and pleads for a defederalisation of the corporate tax rate in Belgium, following the Swiss model, in the framework of the European efforts for a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base).

2.1.10 . K. Geens, M. Wyckaert, "Les espaces de liberté contractuelle dans le droit des sociétés à responsabilité limitée entre rapprochement et palliation", in Les espaces de liberté en droit des affaires (ed. Commission de Droit et Vie des Affaires, Université de Liège), Bruylant, 2007, p. 139-189; also published in Tijdschrift voor Rechtspersoon en Vennootschap, 2008, p. 527-558.
(describing the partnership law as it may be found in the Napoleontic Code 1804, as well as the leading principles of limited liability company law, the authors give logical and systemical guidance in the links and discrepancies between both systems in order to better understand the distinction between droit supplétif, droit impératif and droit d’ordre public).

2.1.11. K. Geens, “Overview of 200 years of Belgian Company Law” (in Dutch : 200 jaar vennootschapsrecht in vogelvlucht), in: Bicentenaire du Code de Commerce (ed. I. Verougstraete), Larcier, 2007, p. 91-138, also published in Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht, 2007, p. 73-140.

(at the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Commercial Code 1807, the author oversees the main evolutions in company law in the past centuries, in view of the three classical agency problems company law is confronted with).

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