Inger Ekman - Biography#
INGER EKMAN RN, PhD, senior professor, former director and founder of University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC)

In 2007, Inger Ekman was appointed full professor in Care Science at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. During the period 2006-2010, she was head of Institute of Health and Care Sciences, and 2010-2012 vice dean at the Sahlgrenska academy. Inger Ekman's research focuses on communication and symptoms in patients with long term illness and evaluation of person-centred care interventions, she has around 140 publications in scientific journals.
Ekman is since 2016 the coordinator of COST 15222 ( a European initiative, involving 28 partner countries, on testing implementation of person-centred care and health promotion within the frame of cost containment with maintained or improved quality of care in five countries in Europe.