Christian de Duve#
Sadly, this member passed away. | |
Membership Number: | 622 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 1989 |
Main Country of Residence: | BELGIUM |
Homepage(s): | |
Christian de Duve passed away May 4, 2013.
Positions Held
- 1974-1991 Administrator at International Institute of Cellular and Molecular Pathology
- 1962-1988 Professor of Biochemical Cytology at Rockefeller University
- 1947-1985 Professor of Biochemistry at University of Louvain
- 1946 MS Chemistry at University of Louvain
- 1941 Medical Degree at University of Louvain
Fields of Scholarship
- Insulin and glucagon
- Lysosome and peroxisome
- Endosymbiotic theory
- Origin of life
Honours and Awards
- Nobel Prize for Medicine 1974
(with Albert Claude and George E. Palade)
- Dr. H.P.Heineken-Prijs, Netherlands (1973)
- Gairdner Special Award, Ca nada (1967)
- Prix Francqui, Belgium (1960)
- Member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Member of Pontifical Academy of Sciences
- Member of Academia Europea