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De Corte, E. (2000). Marrying theory building and the improvement of school practice: A permanent challenge for instructional psychology. Learning and Instruction, 10, 249-266.

De Corte, E. (2000). Anders gaan leren in de school van 2002. (Towards a different way of learning in the school of 2002). Onze Alma Mater, 54, 521-544.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., Lowyck, J., Dhert, S. & Vandeput, L. (2000). Computer-supported collaborative learning of mathematical problem solving and problem posing. In D. Benzie & D. Passey (Eds.), Proceedings of Conference on Educational Uses of Information and Communication Technologies. 16th World Computer Congress 2000. Beijing, China, August 21-25, 2000 (pp. 96-99). Beijing, China: Publishing House of Electronic Industry.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., & Greer, B. (2000). Connecting mathematics problem solving to the real world. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics Education into the 21st Century: Mathematics for living (pp. 66-73). Amman, Jordan: The National Center for Human Resource Development.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., Lowyck, J., Dhert, S., & Vandeput, L. (2000). Collaborative learning of mathematics problem solving and problem posing supported by ‘WebKnowledge Forum’: A design experiment. In: Proceedings of the V Congreso Iberoamericano de Informatica Educativa. RIBIE 2000. Santiago, Chile: Universidad de Chile (available on CD-Rom).

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L.& Op ‘t Eynde P. (2000). Self-regulation: A characteristic and a goal of mathematics education. In P. Pintrich, M. Boekaerts, & M. Zeidner (Eds.), Self-regulation: Theory, research, and applications (pp. 687-726). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Dhert, S., Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., Lowyck, J., & Vandeput, L. (2000). Het samen leren stellen en oplossen van wiskundige toepasssingsproblemen met ‘WebKnowledge Forum’. (Collaborative learning of posing and solving mathematical application problems supported by “WebKnowledge Forum’). Tijdschrift voor nascholing en onderzoek van het reken-wiskundeonderwijs (Panama-Post), 6, 14-20.

Luwel, K., Verschaffel, L., Onghena, P., & De Corte, E. (2000). Children’s strategies for numerosity judgement in square grids of different sizes. Psychologica Belgica, 40, 183-209.

Janssens, S., Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., Elen, J., Lowyck, J., Struyf, E., Van Damme, J., & Vandenberghe, R. (2000). Didactiek in beweging. (Didactics in motion). Wolters Plantyn.

Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., Lowyck, J., Dhert, S., & Vandeput, L. (2000). Computerondersteund samenwerkend leren: vraagstukken leren opstellen en oplossen met behulp van “Knowledge Forum” in de hoogste klassen van de basisschool. (Computer-supported collaborative learning: posing and solving mathematical word problems with the aid of “Knowledge Forum” in the upper grades of the primary school.) Impuls, 30, 148-160.

Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., Lowyck, J., Dhert, S., & Vandeput, L. (2000). Supporting mathematical problem solving and posing in Flemish upper elementary school childeren by means of Knowledge Forum. (TSER project no. 2019. Computer-supported collaborative learning networks in promary and secondary education. Final report of the Leuven site.) Leuven, Belgium: Center for Instructional Psychology and Technology, University of Leuven.

Verschaffel, L., Greer, B., & De Corte, E. (2000). Making sense of word problems. Lisse, The Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger.


De Corte, E. (2001). Instructional psychology. In N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and the behavioral sciences (pp. 7569-7573). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science Ltd.

De Corte, E. (2001). Technology supported learning environments. In N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and the behavioral sciences (pp. 15527-15732). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science Ltd.

De Corte, E. (2001). Tanulás- és oktatáskutatás : újabb eredmémyek és kihívások (Research on learning and instruction: Recent advances and major challenges). Magyar Pedagógia, 101, 413-434 (in Hungarian).

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., & Van de Ven, A. (2001). Improving text comprehension strategies in upper primary school children: A design experiment. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, 531-559.

De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2001). Construerend onderwijskundig onderzoek: Hefboom voor theorievorming and innovatie (Design research in education: Lever for theory building and innovation). Pedagogisch Tijdschrift, 26, 167-188.some italic text

De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2001). Mathematical education. In N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and the behavioral sciences (pp. 9382-9386). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science Ltd.

Dochy, F., Moerkerke, G., De Corte, E., & Segers, M. (2001). The assessment of quantitative problem-solving skills with ‘non of the above” items (NOTA items). European Journal of Psychology of Education, 16, 163-177.

Luwel, K., Verschaffel, L., Onghena, P., & De Corte, E. (2001). Children’s strategies for numerosity judgements in square grids: The relationship between process and product data. In M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 329-334). Utrecht, The Netherlands: Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University.

Luwel, K., Verschaffel, L., Onghena, P., & De Corte, E. (2001). Strategic aspects of children’s numerosity judgement. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 16, 233-255.

Luwel, K., Verschaffel, L., Onghena, P., & De Corte, E. (2001). Ontwikkeling van strategieën van kinderen voor het bepalen van hoeveelheden in verschillende roostergroottes (Development of children’s strategies for establishing numerosity in grids of different sizes). Pedagogische Studiën, 78, 56-66.

Op ’t Eynde, P., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2001). “What to learn from what we feel?”: The role of students’ emotions in the mathematics classroom. In S. Volet & S. Järvelä (Eds.), Motivation in learning contexts: Theoretical advances and methodological implications (pp. 149-167). (Advances in Learning and Instruction Series.) Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science.

Op ’t Eynde, P., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2001). Problem solving in the mathematics classroom: A socio-constructivist account of the role of students’ emotions. In M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4, pp. 25-32). Utrecht, The Netherlands: Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University.

Op ’t Eynde, P., Verschaffel, L., & De Corte, E. (2001). Onderwijsonderzoek: wat hebben we eraan? (Educational research: Of what use is it?) Impuls, 31, 214-228.

Verschaffel, L., & De Corte, E. (2001). Vraagstukken kunnen oplossen: een kwestie van ‘geluk hebben’? Naar een uitdagend , procesgericht, werkelijkheidsnabij en interactief vraagstukenonderwijs in de bovenbouw van de basisschool (Being able to solve word problems: A matter of ‘being lucky’? Toward challenging, process-oriented, realistic, and interactive learning and teaching of word problem solving in the primary school). E.G.O.- Echo, 3 (4), 13-17.

Weinert, F.E., & De Corte, E. (2001). Educational research for educational practice. In N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and the behavioral sciences (pp. 4316-4326). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science Ltd.


De Corte, E., & Op 't Eynde, P. (2002). Unraveling students' belief systems relating to mathematics learning and problem solving. In A. Rogerson (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference "The Humanistic renaissamce in mathematics education" (pp. 96 -101). Palermo, Sicily: The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project.

De Corte, E., Op ’t Eynde, P., & Verschaffel, L. (2002). Knowing what to believe: The relevance of mathematical beliefs for mathematics education. In B.K. Hofer & P.R. Pintrich (Eds.), Personal epistemology; The psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing (pp. 297-320). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2002). High-powered learning communities: Design experiments as a lever to bridge the theory-practice divide. Prospects. Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, 32, 517-531. (Also translated in the Arabic version of the journal Prospect.)

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., & Op ’t Eynde, P. (2002). Onderwijspsychologie en vakdidactiek als ontwerpwetenschappen (Instructional psychology and teaching methodology of subject-matter domains as design sciences). In J. Binon, P. Desmet, J. Elen, P. Mertens, & L. Sercu (Eds.), Tableaux vivants: Opstellen over taal-en-onderwijs, aangeboden aan Mark Debrock (pp. 455-469). Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., Lowyck, J., Dhert, S., & Vandeput, L. (2002). Collaborative learning of mathematics: Problem-solving and problem-posing supported by “Knowledge Forum”. In D. Passey & M. Kendall (Eds.), TelE-Learning: The challenge for the third millenium (pp. 53-59). Boston/Dordrecht/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Greer, B., Verschaffel, L., & De Corte, E. (2002). “The answer is really 4.5”: Beliefs about word problems. In G.C. Leder, E. Pekhonen, & G. Törner (Eds.), Beliefs: A hidden variable in mathematics education? (pp. 271-292). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Janssen, R., De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., Knoors, E., & Colémont, A. (2002). National assessment of new standards for mathematics elementary education in Flanders. Educational Research and Evaluation, 8, 197-225.

Luwel, K., Verschaffel, L., Onghena, P., & De Corte, E. (2002). Adaptief strategiegebruik bij het bepalen van aantallen: De invloed van taakkenmerken (Adaptive use of numerosity judgement strategies: The influence of task characteristics). Pedagogische Studiën, 79, 144-156.

Op ‘t Eynde, P., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2002). Framing students’ mathematics-related beliefs: A quest for conceptual clarity and a comprehensive categorization. In G.C. Leder, E. Pekhonen, & G. Törner (Eds.), Beliefs: A hidden variable in mathematics education? (pp. 13-37). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Verschaffel, L., Greer, B., & De Corte, E. (2002). Everyday knowledge and mathematical modeling of school word problems. In K. Gravemeijer, R. Lehrer, B. van Oers, & L. Verschaffel (Eds.), Symbolizing, modeling and tool use in mathematics education (pp. 257-276). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academicn Publishers.


De Corte, E. (2003). Creating learning environments that facilitate the productive use of acquired knowledge. In F. Achtenhagen &E.G. John (Eds.), Milestones of vocational and occupational education and training. Volume1: The teaching- learning perspective (pp. 227-238). Bielefeld, Germany: W. Bertelsmann Verlag GmbH & Co.

De Corte, E. (2003). Transfer as the productive use of acquired knowledge, skills, and motivations. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 12, 142-146.

De Corte, E. (Ed.). (2003). Excellence in higher education. (Wenner-Gren International Series, Volume 82.) London, UK: Portland Press.

De Corte, E. (2003). Excellence in higher education: A complex issue. In E. De Corte (Ed.). Excellence in higher education (pp.1-5). (Wenner-Gren Interntional Series, Voluem 82.) London, UK: Portland Press.

De Corte, E. (2003). Designing learning environments that foster the productive use of acquired knowledge and skills. In E. De Corte, L. Verschaffel, N. Entwistle, & J. van Merriënboer (Eds.), Powerful learning environments: Unraveling basic components and dimensions (pp. 21-33). (Advances in Learning and Instruction Series). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science.

De Corte, E. (2003). Intervention research: A tool for bridging the theory-practice gap in mathematics education. In A. Rogerson (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference: The decidable and the undecidable in mathematics education (pp. 45-55). Brno, Czech Republic: The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project.

De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2003). El desarrollo de habilidades de autorregulaciòn en la soluciòn de problemas matemáticos. Revista Pensamiento Educativo, 32, 286-305.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., Entwistle, N., & Van Merriënboer, J. (2003). Introduction. In E. De Corte, L. Verschaffel, N. Entwistle, & J. van Merriënboer (Eds.), Powerful learning environments: Unraveling basic components and dimensions (pp. XI-XIII). (Advances in Learning and Instruction Series). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., Entwistle, N., & Van Merriënboer, J. (Eds.). (2003). Powerful learning environments: Unraveling basic components and dimensions. (Advances in Learning and Instruction Series). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., & Van de Ven, A. (2003). Ontwikkeling van een krachtige leeromgeving voor het bevorderen van het begrijpend lezen bij leerlingen uit de bovenbouw van het basisonderwijs (Design of a powerful learning environment for fostering reading comprehension in upper primary school children). Pedagogische Studiën, 80, 147-166.

Luwel, K., Verschaffel, L., Onghena, P., & De Corte, E. (2003). Strategic aspects of numerosity judgment: The effect of task characteristics. Experimental Psychology, 50, 63-75.

Luwel, K., Verschaffel, L., Onghena, P., & De Corte, E. (2003). Flexibility in strategy use: Adaptation of numerosity judgement strategies to task characteristics. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 15, 247-266.

Luwel, K., Verschaffel, L., Onghena, P., & De Corte, E. (2003). Analysing the adaptiveness of strategy choices using the choice/no-choice method: The case of numerosity judgment. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 15,511-537.

Verschaffel, L., Greer, B., & De Corte, E. (2003). Word-problem solving. In W.J. Guthrie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of education. Second edition (Vol. 5, pp. 1566-1569). New York: Macmillan.


De Corte, E. (2004). Mainstreams and perspectives in research on learning (mathematics) and instruction. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53, 279-310.

De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2004). Fostering students’ self-regulation skills in mathematical problem solving. In J. Ee, A. Chang, & O.S. Tang (Eds.), Thinking about thinking: What educators need to know (pp. 261-281). Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., & Masui, C. (2004). The CLIA-model: A framework for designing powerful learning environments for thinking and problem solving. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 19, 365-384.


Crahay, M., Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., & Grégoire, J. (2005). Introduction. In M. Crahay, L. Verschaffel, E. De Corte, & J. Grégoire (Eds.), Enseignement et apprentissage des mathématiques. Que disent les recherches psychopédagogiques? (pp. 11-23). Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier.

Crahay, M., Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., & Grégoire, J. (Eds.). (2005). Enseignement et apprentissage des mathématiques. Que disent les recherches psychopédagogiques? Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier.

De Corte, E. (2005), Intervention research in education: Some comments. In H. Mandl & B. Kopp (Eds.), Impulse für die Bildungsforschung. Stand und Perspektivenm. Dokumentation eines Expertengesprächs (pp. 57-61). Berlin: Akademie Verlag GmbH.

De Corte, E., Depaepe, F., Op ’t Eynde, P., & Verschaffel, L. (2005). Comparing mathematics education traditions in four European countries: The case of the teaching of percentages in the primary school. In A. Rogerson (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project: “Reform, revolution, and paradigm shifts in mathematics education (p. 1-11). Johor Bahru, Malaysia: The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project.

De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2005). Apprendre et enseigner les mathématiques: un cadre conceptuel pour concevoir des environnements d’enseignement – apprentissage stimulants. In M. Crahay, L. Verschaffel, E. De Corte, & J. Grégoire (Eds.), Enseignement et apprentissage des mathématiques. Que disent les recherches psychopédagogiques? (pp. 25-54). Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., & Schrooten, H. (2005). Computer simulation as a tool in studying teachers' cognitive activities during error diagnosis in arithmetic. In P.M. Denicolo & M. Kompf, Teacher thinking and professional action (pp. 109-118). London: Routledge.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., Op ’t Eynde, P., & Verschaffel, L. (2005). Teaching percentages in the primary school: A four country comparative study. In L. Verschaffel, E. De Corte, G. Kanselaar, & M. Valcke (Eds.) Powerful environments for promoting deep conceptual and strategic learning (Studia Paedagogica, 41) (pp.147-171). Leuven: Leuven University Press.

Masui, C., & De Corte, E. (2005). Learning to reflect and to attribute constructively as basic components of self-regulated learning. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 351-372.

Verschaffel, L., & De Corte, E. (2005). La modélisation et la résolution des problèmes d’application: de l’analyse à l’utilisation efficace. In M. Crahay, L. Verschaffel, E. De Corte, & J. Grégoire (Eds.), Enseignement et apprentissage des mathématiques. Que disent les recherches psychopédagogiques? (pp. 153-176). Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier.

Verschaffel, L. De Corte, E., Kanselaar, G., & Valcke, M. (Eds) (2005). Powerful environments for promoting deep conceptual and strategic learning (Studia Paedagogica, 41). Leuven: Leuven University Press.


De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2006). Mathematical thinking and learning. In K. A. Renninger, I. E. Sigel (Series Eds), W. Damon, R.M. Lerner (Eds-in-Chief.), Handbook of child psychology.Volume 4: Child psychology and practice (6th ed., pp. 103-152). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2006). The culture of the mathematics classroom: A complex determinants of students’ learning. In J. Elen & R.C. Clark (Eds). Handling complexity in learning environments: Theory and research (pp. 89-106). (Advances in Learning and Instruction Series.) Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2006). Investigating the social and individual dimensions of mathematics learning in sixth-grade classrooms. In G. Clarebout & J. Elen (Eds). Avoiding simplicity, confronting complexity. Advances in studying and designing (computer-based) powerful learning environments (pp. 77-86). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Gomez-Chacon, I. M., Op ’t Eynde, P., & De Corte, E. (2006). Creencias de los estudiantes de matematicas. La influencia del contexto de clase No InterWiki reference defined in properties for Wiki called "Belief systems of students of mathematics"!. Ensenanza de las Ciencias, 24, 309-324.

Op ‘t Eynde, P., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2006). Beliefs and metacognition: An analysis of junior-high students’ mathematics-related beliefs. In M. Veenman & A. Desoete (Eds.), Metacognition in mathematics education (pp. 83-101). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publisher, Inc.

Op ‘t Eynde, P., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2006). Accepting emotional complexity: A socio-constructivist perspective on the role of emotions in the mathematics classroom Educational Studies in Mathematics, 63, 193-207.

Op ’t Eynde, P., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2006). Epistemic dimensions of students’ mathematics-related belief systems. International Journal of Educational Research, 45, 57-70.

Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., & Elen, J. (2006). Competenties ontleed. In H. van Hout, G. ten Dam, M. Mirande, C. Terlouw, & J. Willems (Eds.), Vernieuwing in het hoger onderwijs. Onderwijskundig handboek (pp. 89-103). Assen: Van Gorcum.


De Corte, E. (2007). Learning from instruction: The case of mathematics. Learning Inquiry, 1, 19-30.

De Corte, E., Depaepe, F., & Verschaffel, L. (2007). Investigating social and individual aspects in teacher’s approaches to mathematical problem solving. In D. K. Pugalee, A. Rogerson, & A. Schinck (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project: Mathematics education in a global community (pp. 144-148). Charlotte, USA: The University of North Carolina.

De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2007). Analyzing mathematics classroom cultures and practices: Editorial. International Journal of Educational Research, 46, 247-251.

De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (Eds.). (2007). Analyzing mathematical classroom cultures and practices (thematic issue). International Journal of Educational Research, 46, 247-326.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2007). Unravelling the culture of the mathematics classroom: A videobased study in sixth grade. International Journal of Educational Research, 46, 266-279.

Op ’t Eynde, P., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2007). Students’ emotions: A key component of self-regulated learning? In P.A. Schutz & R. Pekrun (Eds.). Emotion in education (pp. 185-204). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Inc.

Verschaffel, L., Greer , B., & De Corte, E. (2007). Whole number concepts and operations. In F. K. Lester (Ed.), Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 557-628). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2008). Designing a powerful learning environment for mathematical problem solving: A Flemish perspective. In A. Kallioniemi, A. Toom, M. Ubani, H. Linnansaari, & K. Kumpulainen (Eds.), Ihmistä kasvattamassa: Koulutus – arvot – uudet avaukser/ Cultivating humanity: Education – values – new discoveries (pp. 397-416). Turku, Finland: Tekijät & Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L.& Depaepe, F. (2008). Unraveling the relationship between students’ mathematics-related beliefs and the classroom culture. European Psychologist, 13, 24-36.

Rosseel, P., De Corte, E., Blommaert, J., & Verniers, E. (2008). Approaches to North-South, South-South and North-South-South Collaboration: A policy document. Leuven: KU Leuven.


De Corte, E. (2009). Epilogue. In H. Yoshida & E. De Corte (Eds.), How to make lessons based on children’s logic. The psychology of educational practice based on design experiments (pp. 199-201) (in Japanese) . Kyoto, Japan: Kitaohji Shobo.

De Corte, E., Janssen, R., & Verschaffel, L. (2009). Large-scale assessment as a tool for monitoring learning and teaching: The case of Flanders, Belgium. In L. Paditz & A. Rogerson (Eds.). Models in developing mathematics education. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project (pp. 134-138). Dresden: Dresden University of Applied Sciences.

De Corte, E. & Masui, C. (2009). Enhancing the learning proficiency of students in higher education. Forum on Public Policy Online. Summer 2008 edition (January 2009).

De Corte, E., & Masui, C. (2009). Design and evaluation of a learning environment for self-regulation strategies: An intervention study in higher education. In Z.M. Charlesworth, C. Evans, & E. Cools (Eds.). Learning in higher education – how style matters. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the European Learning Styles Information Network (ELSIN XIV) (pp. 172-183). Brno, Czech Republic: Tribun EU.

De Corte, E. & Verschaffel, L. (2009). High-powered learning communities: A European perspective. In D.C Berliner & H. Kupermintz (Eds.), Fostering change in institutions, environment, and people. A Festschrift in honor of Gavriel Salomon (pp. 15-34). New York: Routledge.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., & Depaepe, F. (2009). Enhancing mathematical problem solving in upper primary school children: Lessons from design experiments. In O. A. Barbarin & B.H. Wasik (Eds.), Handbook of developmental science and early education (pp. 521-543). New York: The Guilford Press.

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., & Depaepe, F. (2009). Bridging between theory and practice: The potential of design-based research. In H. Yoshida & E. De Corte (Eds.), How to make lessons based on children’s logic. The psychology of educational practice based on design experiments (pp. 2-14) (in Japanese) . Kyoto, Japan: Kitaohji Shobo.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2009). Analysis of the realistic nature of word problems in upper elementary mathematics education in Flanders. In L. Verschaffel, B. Greer, W. Van Dooren, & S. Mukhopadhyay (Eds.), Words and worlds: Modelling verbal descriptions of situations (pp. 245-263). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., & Van Dooren, W. (2009). Realistic mathematical modeling and problem solving in elementary school. In H. Yoshida & E. De Corte (Eds.), How to make lessons based on children’s logic. The psychology of educational practice based on design experiments (pp. 28-41) (in Japanese) . Kyoto, Japan: Kitaohji Shobo.

Yoshida, H., & De Corte, E. (Eds.). (2009). How to make lessons based on children’s logic. The psychology of educational practice based on design experiments (in Japanese) . Kyoto, Japan: Kitaohji Shobo.


De Corte, E. (2010). Historical developments in the understanding of learning. In H. Dumont, D.Istance, & F. Benavides (Eds.), The nature of learning. Using research to inspire practice (pp. 35-67). Paris: OECD Publishing.

De Corte, E., Depaepe, F., & Verschaffel, L. (2010). Fostering self-regulation skills in mathematics. In H. Pedrosa-de-Jesus, C. Evans, Z. Charlesworth, & E. Cools (Eds.), ELSIN XV, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Learning Styles Information Network: Exploring styles to enhance learning and teaching in diverse contexts (pp. 133-139). Aveiro, Portugal: Universidade de Aveiro.

De Corte, E., & Fenstad, J.E. (2010). From information to knowledge; from knowledge to wisdom. In E. De Corte, & J.E. Fenstad (Eds.), From information to knowledge; from knowledge to wisdom: Challenges and changes facing higher education in the digital age (pp. 1-3). (Wenner-Gren International Series, Volume 85). London, UK: Portland Press.

De Corte, E., & J.E. Fenstad (Eds.). (2010). From information to knowledge; from knowledge to wisdom: Challenges and changes facing higher education in the digital age. (Wenner-Gren International Series, Volume 85). London, UK: Portland Press.

De Corte, E., Op ‘t Eynde, P., Depaepe, & F. Verschaffel, L., (2010). The reflexive relation between students’ mathematics-related beliefs and the mathematics classroom culture. In L.D. Bendixen & F.C. Feucht (Eds.), Personal epistemology in the classroom: Theory, research, and implications for practice (pp. 292-327). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2010). Teachers’ approaches towards word problem solving: Elaborating or restricting the problem context. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 152-160.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2010). Teachers’ metacognitive and heuristic approaches to word problem solving: Analysis and impact on students’ beliefs and performance. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 42, 205-218.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2010). Omgaan met vraagstukken in de klas. (Dealing with word problems in the classroom.) COV-Basis, 117(7), 23-25.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2010). Realistisch modelleren in het basisonderwijs: tussen doelstelling en resultaat. Tijdschrift voor Logopedie, 23 (4), 10-17.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2010). Vernieuwingen in het vraagstukkenonderwijs. Uitdagingen en moeilijkheden. Advies & Educatie. Vaktijdschrift voor Onderwijsadviseurs, Schoolleiders en Intern Adviseurs, 27(4), 11-13.

Verschaffel, l., De Corte, E., de Jong, T. & Elen, J. (2010). Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving: An overview. In L. Verschaffel, E. De Corte, T. de Jong, & J. Elen (Eds.), Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving: Analysis and improvement (pp. 1-8). New York: Routledge.

Verschaffel, l., De Corte, E., de Jong, T. & Elen, J. (Eds.). (2010). Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving: Analysis and improvement. New York: Routledge.

Verschaffel, L., Greer, B., & De Corte, E. (2010). Mathematics learning. In E. Baker, B. McGaw, & P. Peterson (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education. Third edition, Volume 5 (pp. 401-405). Oxford: Elsevier.


De Corte, E. Mason, L., Depaepe, F., & Verschaffel, L. (2011). Self-regulation of mathematical knowledge and skills. In B.J. Zimmerman & D.H. Schunk (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance (pp. 155-172). New York: Routledge.

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (2011). Het oplossen van wiskundige problemen in de basisschool: van eindtermen tot peilingsresultaten. In Conferentie na de peilingen wiskunde: Het verschil in wiskunde (pp. 15-24). Brussel: Vlaams Ministerie van Onderwijs en Vorming, Agentschap voor Kwaliteitszorg in Onderwijs en Vorming.

In Press

De Corte, E., Verschaffel, L., & Van Dooren, W. (in press). Heuristics and problem solving. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the learning sciences. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

De Corte, E., Depaepe, F., Op ‘t Eynde, P., & Verschaffel, L. (in press). Students’ self-regulation of emotions in mathematics: An analysis of meta-emotional knowledge and skills. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 43 (6).

Depaepe, F., De Corte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (in press). Who is granted authority in the mathematics classroom? An analysis of the observed and perceived distribution of authority. Educational Studies.

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