Sierd Cloetingh - Curriculum vitae#
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- BSc degree geology with physics and mathematics, University of Groningen (supervisors Professors Ph.Kuenen and L.M.J.U. van Straaten): March 1972
- MSc degree geophysics with minors in structural geology and numerical mathematics (cum laude; supervisor Prof. dr. N.J. Vlaar), University of Utrecht: January 1977
- PhD degree geophysics University of Utrecht (Thesis: Evolution of passive margins and initiation of subduction zones; Promotor: Prof. dr. N.J. Vlaar): December 1982
Research interests
Solid Earth geophysics, tectonics, intraplate deformation, lithospheric dynamics, sedimentary basin evolution, sea level change.
Refereed scientific journal articles
Authorship of 335 publications in international refereed journals, 32 chapters in peer reviewed books and editorship of 25 special thematic volumes of the international journals "Journal of Geophysical Research", "Sedimentary Geology", "Marine and Petroleum Geology", “Global and Planetary Change”, and "Tectonophysics" on the above listed research topics.
International functions
- Member Lithosphere Panel, International Ocean Drilling Project, 1988-1992
- Chairman of the International Lithosphere Programme Task Force, "Origin of Sedimentary Basins", 1990-2001
- Coordinator, European Programme on Basin Modelling, 1990-1995
- Liaison, Tectonics Panel, International Ocean Drilling Project, 1991-1992
- Chairman of the Scientific Committee, European Union of Geosciences Conference EUG VII, Strasbourg, 1993
- Member Steering Committee International Association of Structural/Tectonic Geologists(IASTG), 1993-2001
- Vice-President of the European Union of Geosciences EUG, 1993-1995
- Chairman Scientific Council EUROBASIN Research School, 1996-PRESENT
- Member Scientific Advisory Board of the BRGM Geofrance3D program, 1998-2000
- Member Scientific Council GEOMARE-SUD Marine Research Institute Italian CNR, 1998-2003
- President European Geophysical Society, 1998-2000 Chairman Earth and Cosmic Sciences Section, Academia Europaea, 1999-2008
- Member Council Academia Europaea, 1999-2008
- President International Lithosphere Programme, 2004-PRESENT
- Coordinator TOPO-EUROPE Research initiative, 2005-PRESENT
- Member Scientific Committee of the French Geological Survey BRGM, 2006-PRESENT
- Member Scientific Council Institut Français du Pétrole, 2006-PRESENT
- Chairman Scientific Committee ESF EUROCORES TOPO-EUROPE
- Vice President Academia Europaea 2008-2014
- Member of the ERC Scientific Council, 2009-2015
- President Academia Europaea 2014-present
Editorships scientific journals
- European Editor of "Tectonics", published by the American Geophysical Union and the European Geophysical Society, 1992-1996
- Editor, "Global and Planetary Change", 1989-PRESENT Associate Editor, "Journal of Geophysical Research" published by the American Geophysical Union", 1985-1991
- Member Editorial Board, "Sedimentary Geology", 1988-2004 Member Editorial Board "Tectonophysics", 1992-PRESENT Member Editorial Board "Geologica Carpathica", 1992-2002 Member Editorial Board “Geology”, published by Geol. Soc. America, 2000-2004
- Member Editorial Board “Bull. Geological Society Italia”, 2000-PRESENT Member Editorial Board “Episodes”, 2001-PRESENT
- Member Editorial Board “Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften”, 2006-PRESENT
- Chairman Editorial Board Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series, European Geosciences Union, 2002-PRESENT
Honours, awards and memberships
- Academia Europaea, 1993
- Distinguished Lecturer American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1993
- Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 1995
- Leopold von Buch Medal, German Geological Society, 1995
- Golden Badge Award European Geophysical Society, 1996
- Professor Honoris Causa of Bucharest University, Romania, 1996
- Member Netherlands Society for Sciences, 1997
- Sackler Professor at the Institute of Geohysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1997
- Member Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1998
- Doctor Honoris Causa of University of Rennes, France, 1998
- Honorary Member of the Hungarian Geophysical Society, 1999
- Professor and Doctor Honoris Causa, Eötvös University of Budapest, Hungary, 2001
- Fellow American Geophysical Union, 2002
- Doctor Honoris Causa of University of Salzburg, Austria, 2002
- Foreign Member Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences, 2005
- Corresponding Member Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, 2005
- Chevalier dans l’Ordre national de la Légion d’Honneur, 2005
- Stephan Mueller Medal, European Geosciences Union, 2006
- Foreign Member Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, 2006
- Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences Distinguished Professor, 2006
- Honorary Fellow, Geological Society of America, 2006
- Van Waterschot van der Gracht Medal, Royal Netherlands Geological and Mining Society, 2007
- Honorary Professor, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2007
- Visiting Professor University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 2007
- Blaustein Visiting Professor, Stanford University, 2007
- Visiting Professor, Paris VI, 2008
- Visiting Professor, ETH Zürich, 2009
- Visiting Professor, IFP Rueil-Malmaison, 2009
University functions and national responsibilities
- 1977-1982: Junior lecturer Geophysics, department of Geophysics, University of Utrecht
- 1983-1986: Senior lecturer Geophysics, department of Geophysics, University of Utrecht
- 1986-1988: Associate Professor of Tectonophysics, department of Geophysics, Utrecht
- 1988-2011: Professor of Tectonics, VU University Amsterdam
- 2001-PRESENT: Professor of Tectonics of Sedimentary Basin Tectonics, Delft University of Technology
- 1988-PRESENT: Supervisor (promotor) of 57 successfully completed PhD theses
- 1990-1993: Chairman department of Sedimentary Geology, VU University Amsterdam
- 1992-2012: Scientific director, Netherlands Research School of Sedimentary Geology (NSG)
- 1999-2002: Member Board of Directors Netherlands Research Centre for Integrated Solid Earth Sciences(ISES)
- 2002-PRESENT: Chairman Board of Directors Netherlands Research Centre for Integrated Solid Earth Sciences (ISES)
- 1991- PRESENT: Chairman Netherlands Committee of the International Lithosphere Program (ILP) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
- 1991-1994: Chairman Science committee of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, VU University Amsterdam
- 1992-1994: Chairman bèta-sciences committee, VU University Amsterdam
- 1992-1993: Member committee Endogene Processes, Earth Science Foundation (AWON), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
- 1992-1993: Co-coordinator theme "Geodynamics", Earth Science Foundation (AWON), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
- 1995-2001: Member Board on Earth and Life Sciences (ALW), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
- 1996-2002: Coordinator Netherlands Environmental Earth System Dynamics Institutive (NEESDI), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
- 1997-PRESENT: Member Scientific Advisory Board Netherlands Institute for Applied Geosciences (TNO)
- 2002-2009: Member Scientific Council Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute(KNMI)
- 2005-PRESENT: Member Scientific Advisory Board Delft Cluste
- 2012-2015: Professor of Technonics, Utrecht University
- 2015-present: Utrecht University Distinguished Professor