Gabriel Ciobanu - Biography#
Education: 1990-1994 Ph.D. studies at A.I.Cuza University and Edinburgh University (mentored by Robin Milner), 1977-1982 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, A.I.Cuza University of Iasi.
Professional experience: Teaching and doing research in various universities around the world. Currently working as senior researcher at the Romanian Academy Iasi branch, and full professor at Cuza University, Iasi. Recently, researcher at National University of Singapore and visiting professor at Newcastle University (UK).
Member of the National Council of Research in Romania (one of the 15 members) from 2010 to early 2013.
PhD supervisor (8 Phd students and a large number of master students). Collaborators and co-authors from several countries (UK, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Russia, China, Singapore, India...).
Editor-in-chief of the Scientific Annals of Computer Science (

Invited speaker at international conferences in Romania, Europe and Asia : SYNASC 2004 si 2005 (IEEE CS), CMC 2005 (Springer), ICCC 2006, ISDA 2006 (IEEE CS), IDC 2007 (Springer), BIC-TA 2008 Adelaide, CMC 2010 Jena (Springer), ICTERI (2014), FOI (2015), VeCOS (2016), Congress of the Romanian Mathematicians (2016), etc.
Guest editor of special issues of several international journals, editor of volumes published by known publishers (Springer, IEEE Computer Society), chair and member of several program committees and boards (FCT 1999, Modelling in Molecular Biology, Singapore 2002; Theory and Applications of P Systems, Timisoara 2005, MeCBIC workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi, Iasi (2008), Bologna (2009), Jena (2010), Paris (2011) and Newcastle (2012)).
Research periods spent at Edinburgh University (1991-1992), Universite de Paris XI (1994), CWI and VU Amsterdam (1994), Tohoku and Kyoto University (1995-1996); Cottbus TU (1996); CSIC-IIIA Barcelona (1997,1998); University of Western Ontario (1998), National University of Singapore (2000-2004), University of Cagliari, Newcastle University.
Short visits and talks/seminars given at universities from Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Spain, Italy, UK, Ciprus etc.
Member of the editorial boards of International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research and Computer Science Journal of Moldova. Member of several professional associations.