Christian Amatore#
Short laudatio by Réne Victor Bensasson #
Dr Christian Amatore is a remarkable electrochemist well appreciated over the world in the fields of electrochemistry and catalysis as well as those of cell physiology, as demonstrated by the number of citations 12,872 (as indicated by the web or Knowledge) of his scientific publications.
An important activity of his group is devoted to a detailed comprehension of mechanisms involving molecular activation and electrochemical reactivities of organic molecules. His group has developed very successfully exceptional electrochemical tools, the ultramicroelectrodes (smaller than 25 ttm), which have been realised in parallel with others laboratories. In his group, the most fruitful applications of these ultramicroelectrodes are their use
(i) to detect fluxes of chemical messengers (a few tens of thousands of molecules) produced in a single living cell, or
(ii) to map concentration profiles over a few microrneters at the vicinity of an active surface.
Dr Christian Amatore has been elected Member of the French Academy of Sciences in 2002. He is Honorary Professor or Doctor Honoris Causa of several universities in Europe and Asia. Dr Christian Amatore is "Membre du Haut Conseil pour la science et la technologie aupres de la Presidence de la République" (Member of the Council for Science and Technology attached to the Presidence of the Republic).

Dr Christian Amatore is head of the Group of CNRS Unit UMR 8640
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