David Allison - Curriculum Vitae#
David B. Allison, Ph.D.
2017, August to present- Dean and Provost Professor, School of Public Health-Bloomington, Indiana University
2016, October to August 2017—Distinguished Professor; Quetelet Endowed Professor; Associate Dean for Research & Science; Director, Office of Energetics; Director, Nutrition Obesity Research Center
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Hofstra University, New York Ph.D. 07/1990 Clinical Psychology
- 1991–1994 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, New York Obesity Research Center, St. Luke's/Roosevelt Hospital, Columbia University
- 1994–2001 Associate Research Scientist, NY Obesity Research Center Center
- 1994–1999 Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry), Columbia University
- 1999–2001 Associate Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry), Columbia University
- 2001–2011 Head and founder, Section on Statistical Genetics, UAB
- 2001–Present Professor (with tenure) of Biostatistics & Director, Nutrition Obesity Research Center, UAB
- 2011–Present Appointed Distinguished Professor by the Board of Trustees of UAB. Dr. Allison was only the 21st person to receive this distinction in the history of UAB.
- 2012 Appointed Quetelet Endowed Professor of Public Health by the Board of Trustees of UAB
Grants: Dr Allison is listed by NIH as currently one of the most successful grant awardees in the USA
Selected grants are summarized below.
NIH R01AG043972 (Lead: Allison) (Transformative R01) 09/15/12 – 08/31/17 Energetics, Disparities, & Lifespan: A Unified Hypothesis. Approximately 10M USD. This is Dr. Allison’s largest and most prestigious grant and includes collaborators across the US and in Europe. The transformative R01s are given by the Office of the Director of NIH for work judged to have the potential for transformative impact. In 2012, only 20 such grants were given out in the US.
NIH P30DK056336 (Allison) 06/01/00 – 06/30/17
UAB Nutrition Obesity Research Center
One of only 12 such centers in the United States, this research center supports all aspects of research on
nutrition with an emphasis on obesity.
NIH R25 HL124208 (Allison) 08/15/14 – 06/30/18
Strengthening Causal Inference in Behavioral Obesity Research
National short course funded by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.
NIH R25DK099080 (Allison/Thomas) 07/01/13 – 06/30/18 The Mathematical Sciences in Obesity Research.The course develops connections between mathematical scientists and obesity researchers for novel research.
NIH R01DK078826 (Allison) 03/01/09 – 02/28/13
Design Issues in Obesity RCTs: Building an Evidence Base
Use meta-analytic and raw data pooling methods to evaluate merits of various design features in obesity RCTs.
Scientific achievement
Dr. Allison has published over 560 papers in peer-reviewed journals. His h-index is an extraordinary 89 (Web of Science). A complete listing of Dr. Allison’s publications can be found on his full CV, which is posted at this website http://www.soph.uab.edu/energetics/personnel/david_allison