The Multiversity – a supra-organisational and global scientific network co-constituting the knowledge society#
Günter Koch
General Secretary of „The New Club of Paris“, c/o. execupery
Address: Mittelgasse 7, A-1060 Wien, Austria, tel. +43-699-19412152
E-mail: koch [at]
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1. The crisis of universities#
In Europe (by and large, exceptions recognised)
- Unclear political decisons on autonomy of the universities
- Despite tendency towards more autonomy, strong external and / or internal regulations, either by law, or by self imposed rules.
- Questionable professionalism in university management
- Decreasing public financial support (at least, not increasing)
- Inherent conflicts not solved: access to university -> masses of students, i.e. accessing versus lack of financial support. Infrastructure quality decreasing.
- For reasons of life support, most students cannot use their time for only following their studies, i.e are stressed in fulfilling their objectives.
- Fast changing study programs as short sighted responses to „market needs“
- Loss of integrative knowledge acquisition; little to no support for interdisplinary -> transdisciplinary research
In the US
- Foreseeable financial problems both for universities and students
- Increasing divergency between high class / top level universities with strong research competence and „provincial“ teaching universities: relatively few on the top, many in mediocracy
- A combination of these problems ...
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