The European Scientific Advice Mechanism: How evidence-informed policymaking works in a Union of 27 states#

Time: 13th November 2024, 14:00 - 15:00 CET
Venue: online webinar

The European Scientific Advice Mechanism: How evidence-informed policymaking works in a Union of 27 states

The Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) provides independent scientific evidence and policy recommendations to the College of European Commissioners, on a range of policy-related issues.

But how does the European policymaking process work? How is it informed by scientific evidence? How can institutions, researchers and professional staff (including from Associated Countries, like the UK) engage with the SAM?

Join this interactive webinar, which is free and open to all. It is hosted by the Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN), in partnership with the Future Leaders Fellows Development Network, and in collaboration with Academia Europaea Cardiff (a partner in the SAM).

This webinar is one of a series on the theme of international policy engagement, organised by UPEN’s International Sub-Committee.

You are welcome to submit questions to our panel, either in advance or at the webinar.

Programme and speakers#

  • Welcome from UPEN
  • How European policymaking works and the role of the SAM, Dr Karen Fabbri, Deputy Head of Unit, Science Policy, Advice & Ethics, European Commission DG Research & Innovation
  • How the evidence review process works and the role of SAPEA, Toby Wardman, Head of Communications (SAPEA) and Louise Edwards (SAPEA)
  • The view from an expert contributor, Professor Richard Thompson OBE FRS, Director of the Marine Institute, University of Plymouth; Professor Pearl Dykstra MAE, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Registration. #

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