Kawa Nazemi#
AFFILIATION: Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics ResearchFIELD OF SCHOLARSHIP: Computer Science
Kawa Nazemi is currently head of the group Semantics Visualization at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (Fraunhofer IGD) in Darmstadt, Germany. His group develops user-centered intelligent visualization and visual analytics solutions. Further, he teaches User-Centered Visual computing at the Technische Universität Darmstadt.
After his graduation in Media Computer Science in 2006, Kawa started as researcher at Fraunhofer IGD, where he developed methods and approaches for “Visual Learning”. He researched at the intersection between humans’ cognition and computer-aided graphics in various European research projects. In 2007 he undertook the leadership and management of the THESEUS Core-Technology-Project “Innovative User Interfaces and Visualizations”, where he established a new research group focusing on semantics visualization. He researched various ways of humans’ visual information processing, interaction with computer-based graphics, and humans’ experience with visual information. His research on information visualization, intelligent visualization, and visual analytics led to more than 60 peer-reviewed publications at international conference, journals, and edited books. Kawa is further program committee member of various conferences and journals. His research at the intersection of human and visual information includes the entire transformation from mass amount of raw data to human-centered interactive visual representations. He developed a variety of algorithms and methods for intelligent visualizations and visual analytics including data mining and machine learning for processing both, data and humans’ behavior to explore novel ways of adaptive information visualization. Kawa defended his PhD entitled “Adaptive Semantics Visualization” under the supervision of Dieter W. Fellner with distinction at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. Kawa was and is involved in acquiring, conducting, and leading various European and national research projects, and a variety of industrial contract research projects.
Kawa research focus on adaptive and intelligent visualization, visual analytics, semantics visualization, information visualization, and text and data mining with a special focus on human visual perception and human cognition. He researches at the intersection of human and visual information that includes the entire transformation from mass amount of raw data to intelligent visualizations. He developed a variety of algorithms and methods for intelligent visualizations and visual analytics including data mining and machine learning for processing both, data and humans’ behavior to explore novel ways of adaptive information visualization.
Nazemi, Kawa: Adaptive Semantics Visualization. Eurographics Association, 2014. PhD Thesis at the TU Darmstadt. http://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/12076

Nazemi, Kawa; Stab, Christian; Fellner, Dieter W.: Interaction Analysis for Adaptive User Interfaces. In proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing: Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 2010. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 6215), pp. 362-371, 2010.