Philippe Gillet- Publications#

  • Gillet Ph., lngrin J. and Chopin C.- Coesite in subducted continental crust: P·T history deduced from an elastic model. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 70, 426-436, 1984.
  • Gillet Ph., Gerard Y. and Willaime C.- The calcite—aragonite transition: mechanism and microstructures induced by the transformation stresses and strain. Bull. Mineral., 110, 481-496, 1987.
  • Gillet Ph., Guyot F. and Malezieux J.M. - High-pressure, high-temperature Raman spectroscopy of Ca2GeO4 (olivine form): some insigths on anharmonicity. Phys. Earth Planet. lnt., 58, 141-154, 1989.
  • Gillet Ph., Daniel, l., Fiquet G. and Reynard, B. - Raman spectroscopy at mantle pressure and temperature conditions. Experimental set-up and the example of CaTiO3, perovskite.Geophys. Res. Lett. , 20, 1931-1934, 1993a.
  • Gillet Ph., Badro J., Varel B., MclVliIlan P. - High pressure behaviour of AIPO4.Amorphization and the memory glass effect revisited. Phys. Rev.B, 51, 11262-11269,1995.
  • Gillet Ph., Guyot F. and Wang Y. - Microscopic anharmonicity and the equation of state of MgSiO3-perovskite. Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 3043-3046, 1996a.
  • Glllet, Ph., I. Daniel, and F. Guyot, Anharmonic properties of Mg2SiO4-forsterite measured from the volume dependence of the Raman spectrum, Eur. J. Mineral., 9, 255-262,1997.
  • Gillet, Ph., l. Daniel, F. Guyot, J. Matas, and J.C. Chervin, A thermodynamic model for MgSiO3 perovskite derived from the pressure, temperature and volume dependence of the Raman mode frequencies, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 117, 43-54, 2000.
  • Gillet Ph., Barrat J. A., Deloule E., Wadhwa M., Jambon A., Sautter V., Devouard B.,Neuville D., Benzerara K., and Lesourd M. ,Aqueous alteration in the northwest africa 817 (NWA 817) martian meteorite. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 203, 431-44, 2002.
  • Gillet Ph., Barrat J.A., Beck P., Marty B., Greenwood R.C., Franchi l.A., Bohn M. and Cotten J., Petrology, geochemistry and cosmic-ray exposure age of lherzolitic shergottite Northwest Africa 1950. Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 40, 1175-1184, 2005.

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