Leopoldina Fortunati - Publications#

Leopoldina Fortunati has published 6 monographs in Italian (some with co-authors and two signed only by her; one of these was translated in English and in Korean).

She has edited (or co-edited) 10 published volumes in English, 1 by COST-TIST and 4 volumes in Italian (one later translated into English).

She has published 82 book chapters, including 66 in English (Cambridge, Routledge, Springer, Sage, Palgrave, Peter Lang, Ashgate, World Scientific Publisher, Erlbaum, Passages, Transactions, etc.), and the others in Italian, Slovenian and German. In addition she has published 9 entries.

She has published some fifty articles in peer-reviewed international journals in English, 5 in Italian, 2 in Russian, one in Spanish and one in Chinese. My works have been published in 12 languages: Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish.

The most important recent publications:

Fausto Colombo and Leopoldina Fortunati (eds.) (2011) Broadband Society and Generational Changes. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Fortunati, L., Pertierra, R., Vincent, J. (eds.) (2011) Migration, Diaspora and Information Technology in Global Societies. New York: Routledge.

Vincent J, Taipale S, Sapio B, Lugano G, Fortunati L (eds.) (2015) Social Robots from a Human Perspective. Berlin: Springer.

Fortunati L. (2014) Media Between Power and Empowerment: Can We Resolve This Dilemma?, The Information Society: An International Journal, 30(3): 169-183

Fortunati, L., Taipale, S. (2014) The advanced use of mobile phones in five European countries, British Journal of Sociology 65(2): 199-385.

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